No, I understand. I'm just trying to id the differences and weigh the pros and cons before I commit to one type or the other (or one type or the other FIVE types ). I just want to focus on one right now. If there are practical advantages to one with more bells and whistles than a simpler type, I have no problem beginning the process of becoming innately familiar with them. But if there are no practical advantages....
The bells and whistles are neat. But how complex do you want a tool that you many need to save your life.
KISS is one of the better ideas. why many people like revolvers. Short manual of arms with a revolver. Load, close, holster, draw, Point, aim, pull trigger. If no bang pull trigger again.
With an auto load mag, insert mag, cycle action to load round into chamer, (now comes the bells and whistles) Decock / activate manual safety / decock and either activate manual safety or not / Decock activating manual safety and disingauge safety/ or do nothing adn holster, draw, point, (remove safety)
aim and pull trigger. If no bang. Tap up on the mag (is it there) rack the slide, go back to grip, aim and pull trigger again. More complicated.
I have a few different autos (sigs, S&W/ Glock, walther, Browning currently, but have owned many others) and use them for compitition but keep a revolver in the night stand. In the middle of the night I do not want to have to think when under stress.