Author Topic: Nuke the oil well????  (Read 523 times)

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Nuke the oil well????
« on: May 15, 2010, 03:50:44 PM »
I just read an article where the Russkies are suggesting BP use a nuke to seal off the oil well.  Discussion about this led to the question about what this would do to areas like Florida.  Would it make it fall into the sea and disappear?  Would make some Floridians very unhappy, but some old South Ga. farmer's would suddenly have some valuable beach front property!!! 

Would the energy unleash a sunami type wave toward New Orleans?  I'm sure they have their levies fixed by now with all that cash they got, so it shouldn't be a problem......... :D
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)