« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2010, 04:17:48 PM »
Why would you only get one?

Depends on what ya want it for and whether you reload or not. Ammo availability around here is pretty much back to normal, some places still limit a guy to 5# of powder and 1,000 primers per day/ per person. The Max is very flat shooting for a pistol cartridge and is cheaper to reload. Brass can be hard to find sometimes as it's a "seasonal" thing. 44 mag is a proven performer and as stated, easier to find the ammo in the stores. With the right bullet and shot, I think either would get the shot done on anything from Elk on down in size, the max isn't that much slower than the 35 Rem and that's taken it's share of elk.

So, like I said, why would you only get one? The question should be, WHICH one should I get first?


RIP Oct 27, 2017
Handi's:22Shot, 22LR, 2-22Mag, 22Hornet, 5-223, 2-357Max, 44 mag, 2-45LC, 7-30 Waters, 7mm-08, 280, 25-06, 30-30, 30-30AI, 444Marlin, 45-70, AND 2-38-55s, 158 Topper 22 Hornet/20ga. combo; Levers-Marlins:Two 357's, 44 mag, 4-30-30s, RC-Glenfields 36G-30A & XLR, 3-35 Rem, M-375, 2-444P's, 444SS, 308 MX, 338Marlin MXLR, 38-55 CB, 45-70 GS, XS7 22-250 and 7mm08; BLR's:7mm08, 358Win; Rossi: 3-357mag, 44mag, 2-454 Casull; Winchesters: 7-30 Waters, 45Colt Trapper; Bolt actions, too many; 22's, way too many. Who says it's an addiction?