I've always been impressed with their service. I always call and explain what I need, they've always sent me the parts free of charge. I even bought an old used 30-30 barrel that some ding-dong had ground off the locking bolts (who knows why, but they had been ground down to nearly nothing!). I called TC and told them about it, and that I wished to purchase a new set of bolts. They sent them to me - no charge! My old man sent an early frame to them with something broken, I don't remember what. Came back 2 weeks later completely reworked, lubed and in better than original condition - no charge!
I always call and ask very nicely, or explain my problem courteously, they've always been right on top of things for me. I know that sometimes things can break or malfunction, and that there's no need to get in a twist about it. So far my Contenders have been much more reliable than my cars, and the Contenders havn't cost me anything to repair!