mcwoodduck, along those same lines ... and i know this is gonna hurt someone's feelings ... had a buddy buy a 10/22. had to have it, everyone has one (i've had 3 or 4 I think, can't remember). Anyway, 10/22, brick of some ammo, out to the desert to do some shooting. If it fed, it FTF about 1 in 6 maybe? Obviously an ammo issue. Course you have to actually fire it to know that. Dad bought a Bisley when they first came out; Ruger had tapped the front sight all the way into the bore. Fortunately he noticed it during initial strip and clean or he would've had a gas propelled sight. Even Ruger has a bad day once in a while. But he wouldn't have known it if he hadn't paid attention. I wonder how many folks are banking their future on a weapon they've rarely fired, if at all, probably never stripped down, using ammo they've probably not tested, all based on our recommendations here.
So back to the thread, if you're reading this and you're not expending a brick a year through your rimfire survival option, get out there! Try every type of .22 you can get your hands on, swap 10 rds with another fella at the range just to see how yours feeds, and take notes. Use both scope and irons, and sight it in, and take notes on your dope adjustment. Identify and mitigate any weaknesses in your choice, seriously. You can upgrade almost anything on a 10/22, or any other popular option - not all magazines are alike, for example.