I got the Super Sport 3rd hand and its taking me a while to learn to use it. Made progress last night after reading here somewhere that a guy uses a step ladder as a shooting rest. I'm just trying to figure out the accuracy potential of this gun since its history is unknown. I shot it off the bench for chronographing but was only getting .6 to 1.5 inch groups at 28 feet. Began to suspect the hard rest bags and forceful spring were responsible as I was shooting some beeter groups offhand.
Sure enough, standing, resting the forearm on a ladder step with a soft bag under it, I got most groups in the .5 inch with one 6 shot group that almost looked like one hole. Maybe I don't need to send this gun to Russ Best for a $110 tune up. At least not right away. I may want his trigger work though.
Hey tx shooters speak up!