Author Topic: Blooper Squirrel Shot  (Read 1084 times)

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Offline Cherokee Mike

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Blooper Squirrel Shot
« on: October 08, 2010, 03:34:13 AM »
Several years ago I was hunting squirrels in Searcy County.  I was using my scoped .22 T/C Contender pistol loaded with a low-powered Aquila cartridge. 

As the sun started rising a gray squirrel scampered across a horizontal tree limb fifty feet from my tree stand.  I took a careful rest, placed the crosshairs on the squirrel's body and squeezed the trigger.  The gun quietly popped and I watched the little bullet hit exactly where I aimed.  After the smack the squirrel was hurled sideways off the limb and fell to the ground. 

After lying motionless a few seconds, it regained it's feet, looked around and ran back into the woods.  The bullet didn't penetrate the skin, but I'll bet Mr. Squirrel had to rub some Ben Gay on his ribs later that day! 

I decided right then and there to use standard or high-velocity .22 shells if I wanted meat in the pot.