I received this via e-mail and thought it worth passing along.
Remember Pearl Harbor
Every year the ranks of those who "Remember Pearl Harbor" grows smaller and smaller. Even those who were mere children at the time are ageing out.
With history being taught, or not taught , as it is, it is not likely there will be many more years it will be remembered, once those who actually remember are gone.
We are to intent on being politically correct, to remember an event that plunged this country into global conflict, changing the destiny of the country and most of the world in a fleeting moment of treachery.
Around 8 o'clock on a balmy Sunday morning, even before people started to get ready for church, an island paradise was turned into an inferno in a devastating attack by planes from the very country whose envoys were in Washington, supposedly on a peace mission. Were they aware of what was going to happen or did they truly think they were taking part in peace talks? Even now the world does not know.
In 1941, Pearl Harbor was the country's most strategic Navy base in the Pacific. Major battleships and several destroyers as well as other vessels were anchored there.
They were blasted in the water like setting ducks. The USS Arizona carried 1,200 sailors to a watery tomb, still lying on the ocean floor these 68 years later.
A strike force of 350 planes from 33 Japanese Navy ships appeared from out of nowhere and within minutes thousands of Americans were dead or dying. Within hours "Remember Pearl Harbor" became a war cry on the lips of every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. Placards with stars appeared in windows, indicating fathers, brothers and sons called to duty. For those who died, the star was gold. Mothers, sisters and daughters went to work for the war effort. Even children collected scrap metal and took it to collection points. Dripping from bacon and other fats used in cooking were strained and saved to be collected for use in making explosives. Everything was geared to the war effort.
Gasoline, sugar, shoes, meat all were rationed. Nobody objected. Everybody pulled together in a unity unequalled since.
Generations have passed and those who occupy the countries we once considered our enemies are innocent of the crimes committed by their forebearers. Even as our younger generations are innocent of those perpetrated by ours.
But we must not forget that American blood shed on December 7, 1941. Valiant men died, others were injured. It is their sacrifice we must remember.
In the four years that followed that black Sunday, many more died or were injured in far off places.
Yes, the ranks of those left gets smaller every day. Every newspaper has obituaries noting "Veteran of World War II". The time will come when all of them are gone.
But our appreciation of those who fought for our freedom should never diminish.
If it were not for them and their sacrifices, a different flag might fly over us today, a rising sun or maybe a swastika.
The deeds of servicemen and women of World War II made possible all this country has become since.
Though forgiveness comes hard for those who were involved December 7, 1941, we no longer hate.
But we should never forget. We should always "Remember Pearl Harbor".