Author Topic: Vertical Stringing  (Read 1042 times)

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Offline Roudy

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Vertical Stringing
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:41:25 PM »
I have a H&R 22 Magnum that would shoot very well except for vertical stringing.  After buying the rifle I polished the bore with Flitz and bedded the fore end.  So far I've shot about 150-200 shots through it using a variety of ammunition to find which it liked the best.

Yesterday I was shooting Hornady 30 gr ballistic tips and shot 5 shots at 100 yards from a bench rest into a group that was 2 3/4 inches that were all vertically strung.  The width of the group was about 1/2 inch.  I checked the FAQ's and couldn't find any related topics.

I'm planning to polish the bore a bit more.  Are there any other steps that I could take?  This rifle seems to have some very good potential with the Hornady ammunition if I could only get rid of the vertical stringing.


Offline gendoc

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Re: Vertical Stringing
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 02:01:31 PM »
i know you are letting the barrel cool between shots.  right ?
are they verticle string'n to the right or left ? how do you shoot, right or left handed ?

only way i could get a  wmr sportster to shoot is with cci maxi-mag hp's. and thats with a strapped lead sled

in tha meen time, i'm wait'n for tha  7th trumpet ta sound !!!

gotta big green tractor ana diesel truck, my idea of heaven's chasin whitetail bucks and asa country boy, you know i can survive............

hey boy, hit this mason jar one time...
burn ya lil'bit did'nt it. ya ever been snipe hunt'n ?  come on...

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Offline Roudy

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Re: Vertical Stringing
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 03:11:25 PM »
I shoot right handed and the 5 shot group was shot from a sandbag rest.  The shots were vertically strung up and down about 2 3/4 inches tall by 1/2 inch wide.

Shot all five shots from a cold barrel in about 5 minutes.  I've also tried CCI Maxi Mags and got only about 3 inch groups at 100 yards.  The Hornady's would be great if I could stop the vertical stringing. 


Offline gendoc

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Re: Vertical Stringing
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 03:17:44 PM »
are you resting the gun on the bags under the hinge pin of the receiver ?
have you removed the forend and tried shooting ?

these 2 things need to be done for further testing
in tha meen time, i'm wait'n for tha  7th trumpet ta sound !!!

gotta big green tractor ana diesel truck, my idea of heaven's chasin whitetail bucks and asa country boy, you know i can survive............

hey boy, hit this mason jar one time...
burn ya lil'bit did'nt it. ya ever been snipe hunt'n ?  come on...

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Offline gcrank1

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Re: Vertical Stringing
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2010, 06:14:58 AM »
All good suggestions, and
Are you placing the buttpad in exactly the same position on your shoulder?
Are you sitting properly oriented to the table with your body position and elbows exactly the same?
Are you leaning into the gun exactly the same?
These things affect the recoil impulse, as transmitted to you, and if they are different the gun 'climbs' differently.
Yes, even with .22 RFs. With enough scope you can see the change in point of impact on target as directly relates to the way the gun felt as it went off. The POI becomes predictable to the little changes in hold as variations from a straight back recoil, when all is good. A summer (and about 3-4 mornings a week) with a 20X on a target gun at 50yd. taught me a lot.
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Offline Roudy

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Re: Vertical Stringing
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2010, 03:15:10 PM »
Good suggestions all.  Thanks for the input, will give it another try with more attention to the details!
