"pre-born babies, no such thing"..great abortuary spin, but most people are not fooled. It is interesting that if a certain woman means to keep it, it is called a "baby"..but if another one intends to kill it, it is called a "fetus".
That baby in there has a different blood type and DNA than it's carrier. At 10 weeks it has it's own individual fingerprints..certainly it is a baby..what do you think it is..a woodchuck ? Or maybe a Toyota ?
If the carrier host mother is carrying a male baby...and you say it is not a baby..what is the carrier then..a hermaphrodite ?
Let's be real, just because in Japan, according to you, they desert children in the woods, or in China they drown them..are you recommending that for our country ? Perhaps you don't already realize that in the "saline solution" abortion, the one making the big bucks sucks out most of the amniotic fliud and replaces it with salt water..leaving the little boy or girl to drown while breathing in painful, killing salt water..we're almost there already, huh ?
If we face facts, the greatest percentage of abortions here are no more noble than in China, where they simply don't want the girls..they a matter of "inconvenience"..
You say we waste money on "those who could not survive on their own"..think a moment...that means ALL babies..
As far as caring for the disabled,; such is the hallmark of a civilized society. Where would we be if we took every grandma who became somewhat silly, every young person with spinal cord severed in a motorcycle accident and all who come down with debilitating MS, Parkinson's or the extreme of any other disease..and simply execute them ? Would we still be "civilized" ?
Your statement concerning "fathered a child or birth mother of a child that tests show"... Did you see that spot during the Super Bowl which featured the Heisman Trophy winner and his loving Mom ? Did that speak to you at all ?
I also know some of those Downs syndrome children and believe me, they are not a "waste" fit only for elimination...
Let's face it, there are some genuine heart wrenching decisions to be made upon occasion, but most abortions are performed for women who just don't want the inconvenience and by men who want to shirk their natural responsibility...and often, neither one wants to forsake a sinful lifestyle..