Remington 511 ScoreMaster bolt-action sporting rifle
Year Introduced : 1939
Year Discontinued: 1963
Total Production: Approximately: 381,267
Caliber/Gauge: .22 short, .22 long, .22 long rifle,.22 rifle shot cartridges (511SB smooth bore)
Serial Number Blocks: Starting: N/A - Ending: N/A
Grades Offered: 511A (Standard), 511P, 511X
Variations: 511SB Smooth Bore
To determine a DOM, Remington's have a letter-type date code, stamped into the barrel - as explained in the "Remington" Section sticky, of this forum:,63949.0.htmlThe Remmy 511 was a nice, lightweight sporter, and IMHO it's handling/esthetics would be handicapped by a scope.
The Williams 5D-510 peep sight should fit the 511, as the Model 510 was the model the 511 was based upon.