Singing Bear,
After six (6) years of CAS and 157 Matches - I, too, hit the wall. Burned out and was not looking forward to the next match.
Remedy? I hung my guns up for thirteen (13) weeks - didn't even take them out to look at 'em. Just kind of worked around the house and ignored anything at all with shooting - didn't even visit any of the "wires"...
Then, went into the gunsafe one day and my pistols felt "brand-new"! Went back out to practice and it was fun! Took a couple of weeks to get back up to speed, but matches were interesing again. Changed my approach also - went for "Clean Matches" only.......surprising result - my speed actually improved from 'going clean'.
Just take some time off......I knew I wasn't going to quit for good, as I had too much invested in guns, clothes, ammo, etc.....!