Ya'll shouldn't have brought this up, I promise I will TRY not to go on and on, but this is a subject very near and dear to my heart!!
First rule of Cowboy Action Shooting:
Second rule of Cowboy Action Shooting:
Have Fun!!!
Third rule of Cowboy Action Shooting"
Look Good Doing It!!!!!!
First, ya gotta find a place to shoot.
http://www.sassnet.com has SASS affiliated clubs listed by state and dates of shoots, also NCOWS (National Congress Of the Old West) I know they have a website, but I don't know the url, try a google search. Go to a shoot, don't wait till ya've got two or three thousand dollars worth of guns, just go! These people will be unlike what you will find at most competitions, most are there for a social gathering where a shooting competition takes place. Take ear plugs, shooting glasses, 3 boxes of 38's or 45's (lead bullet ONLY) if you get the ones marketed as "Cowboy" you'll be good, and a box of 12 ga. 7 1/2 (6's are SASS legal, but some clubs further restrict shot size, 7 1/2's will get you through 'bout anywhere) target shells ( if you want them to look upon you with great favor take Winchester AA's, you'll see what I mean in a bit). Get in touch with the contact listed find out times, and directions any questions you might still have. Go to the shoot!!! Get there early!!!
Socalize!!! Introduce your self!!! I'll make no promises here, but there is a good probability some one will offer the use of a set of guns, or just share theirs. I normally have an extra of everything, just in case some new folks show up and wanna give it a try. If you have a Cowboy hat and or boots, wear'em! a western shirt??? You Betcha!!! If You travel in tennis shoes, shorts, tee-shirt, and ball cap, your gonna feel REEEL outa place when you get there!!! Most clubs won't mind, they'll just be pleased to share their good time with you.
While your at the SASS website read the rules, down load them, read the rules, print them out, read them again. There aren't a lot of safety rules, but they are adamate about those few. Then go over to the sass wire, log on, and post a querie about shoots in your neck of the woods. There are a lot of clubs that are not SASS affiliated that people will know about, ask on the wire, ask when you go to your first shoot, ask at your favorite sporting goods store, they may not know, but I bet they know about someone who does!!
Since I promised to try and keep this to a minimun, I'll stop now, any questions, I'll be happy to try and help or I've met some really smart people that CAN.
I won't be your concience, but as a suggestion for thought, when I used someone elses guns, I just left my brass and hulls with them (most reloaders LOVE Winchester AA's)
Last word GO TO A SHOOT!!!!
Butler Ford