I have posted these here before. So here ya go.
35 bergers, 25.5 gr of RL-10X and 26.8 gr of benchmark
40 bergers and 40 V-max, 24.5 gr RL-10X and 25.5 gr of H-4895
39 sierra BK and 40 gr Nosler , 25 gr RL-10X and 27.5 gr of H-4895
32 V-max and 32 gr nosler, 26 gr RL-10X and 27 gr H-322 and Benchmark
26 gr varmint grenade, 26.3 gr RL-10X and 23.3 gr H-4198
45 gr hornady sp, 24.3 gr RL 10X
All of these loads will generally print out 1/2" groups or better out of both of my savage 204's as well as my Tikka 3.
These loads may not work in your gun so REMEMBER to start below these and work your way up at approx .2 to .3 gr at a time.
For yotes your best bet is to use the 35 and 40 gr bergers or the 45 gr Hornady sp's.
Wildcat makes a 38 gr hollow point that should be excellent for yotes as well. I have used them on yotes and they work quite well. They used to be manufactured out here in Alberta, but the business was sold to someone in the states.
http://www.wildcatbullets.com/Not sure when they will start producing again. Click on his web site amd an E-mail contact will pop up.
The varmint grenades are accurate in all three of my 204's but once they are gone (10 boxes) I won't use them anymore. They have a lousy BC and at 200 yds the 39 gr BK and the 32 gr V-max catches up and royally kicks its butt in trajectory, energy, and wind drift. As far as I'm concerned the 26 VG's are only good up to about 200 yds. After that most of their energy is shed. Under 200 yds explosive action is comparable to the 39 bk's and the 32 gr V-max's. One nice feature I noticed is that the "felt recoil" is noticeably less as compared to the 39 gr BK's allowing me a nice visual through the scope at increased magnification.
The ballistic tips will work for yotes as well, but if you hit bone they may splash and can produce some very large holes. My favorite for prairie doggin and other small critters is the 39 gr sierra BK. Has a high B.C., good mist and lift action, and best of all is the "giggle" factor of seeing your hits through the scope.
There are no factory loadings for bergers or wildcats in Canada. The Hornady SP's are available as factory made bullets and most 204's shoot them okay as their overall length is shorter than the 40 gr V-max.
Ideally you will want to re-load to get the most out of your 204 for accuracy and once you do you'll find it very addictive.
Some real good data here specifically for the 204. Basically gathered up from the 204 ruger web sight and rolled up into one easy document.