Redman, we have all the indiginous species up here. It's easier to list those we do not have. We don't have black wildebeast, springbok, bontebok.
We have limited hunting for: Klipsspringer, buffalo, roan, sable, rhino, reedbuck, bushpig, lion, elephant, crocadile, hippo.
I think most of the others we can hunt every day in large quantities.
This is a bad time of year to hunt so I never arrange hunts for this time of year. In the next couple months or so the babies will born and I never hunt then either. It's best to hunt Late April through Early July. The Peak of hunting is May15 to June 15th. With the folks going to RSA now out of season they can be our guinnea pigs on the new regs. By end of the year I will know just exactly what is needed to move through RSA with our guns easily.
AS far as archery goes we usually arrange pit blinds or elevated blinds around water and like to book hunts for Archey mid to later in June to be sure the water has been reduced to it's smallest amount. These blinds are within 20-25 yards of the game. I have seen everything from Giraffe to Rhino in Bow range. including huge Kudu, impala, warthogs zebra, hartebeast, wildebeast, eland, buffalo , waterbuck, nyala, ......... Heck we see everything this way!