Author Topic: Proper stock fit?  (Read 569 times)

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Offline RWH24

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Proper stock fit?
« on: November 29, 2003, 03:20:42 AM »
:?  I have posted asking about a new Auto Shotgun, and the reason is my Rem 870 does not seem to fit me correctly. I have had several 870's over the years, Wingmasters 2 3/4" guns and they fit. MY BAD for getting rid of them. I now have an older 870 magnum receiver, stained hardwood finish and brite blue. It started lefe as a Police model w/ 18" rifle sight barrel and extended magazine from the factory. I swapped the barrel and mag ext for a 28" barrel w/Rem chokes. It just does not fit like the older Wingmasters. I did hit some dovies but was below average. My question is: What is a proper fit of the buttstock? Long-Short? I mount my shotgun like a rifle. This may be my problem. I put my cheek on down on the stock. I am looking to either get this gun fitted or trade for something else.
This gun is not an Express as it is brite blued, polished chrome bolt and smooth as glass. Is the 28" barrel too long and I am too slow, needing a 26" barrel to pick up speed or what?
Opinions please, soon. Christmas is a coming!


Offline GBO MGMT

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Proper stock fit?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2003, 01:26:43 PM »
Wal Randy stock fit on a shotgun is a mighty personal thing. What's right for one ain't necessarily so for another. I can't say if it's too long or too short or too whatever sitting here not looking at you with it and shooting it. No one can really.

To the best of my knowledge all of the Rem870 receivers should be close enough that which one you use shouldn't matter. Stocks too haven't changed much if any in dimensions from old to newer. IF the stock now on it is a factory stock with factory butt plate or pad it should be the same pull length as any other pretty much. As I recall on an 870 the pull length should be 14" from center of butt to trigger in a straight line. Drop at comb I believe is about 1.5" and at the heel 2.5". You might check and see if yours has these dimensions. If so you're gonna hafta look elsewhere for a reason you and it don't hit.

Can be lots of such reasons. Barrels are NOT always straight. Choke tubes are not always installed correctly. Either of these can make the point of impact POI of the shot charge go wide left or right or high or low of your intended point of aim POA. Might be you're using a tighter choke now than in the past and that's the reason for the lower scores. Might just be your rusty in your shooting and not doing as well. All are possbilities.

I'm not much of one to use a pattern board. Partly because I shoot off my right shoulder with both eyes open but have a left master eye. Thru years of practice and many tens and hundreds of thousands of rounds I have learned to do this pretty well. At least on my good days.  :)  But I can't shoot that way at a stationary target like a pattern board for squat. I have to close the left eye and use the right to hit any stationary object. This isn't the way I shoot moving targets so to me a pattern board is useless in determining where my POI is in relation to my POA. BUT for you a pattern board might tell you where you're hitting in relation to where you're aiming. If so then you at least will know what needs fixing.

Trouble is what are you gonna do once you know? Getting someone to bent a stock or straighten a barrel isn't cheap. You might first try a different barrel if you know someone who will let you borrow one to rule it out as a problem. Then if you have a friend who will agree you might even try changing stocks with him for a shooting session. Or you can just do as I do when I buy a shotgun that me and it don't geehaw. I trade it off and try another. When you find one that fits and you hit well with don't do a stupid thing like I always seem to and trade that one off. Oh how I wish I could get back some I've let go of.


Offline RWH24

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Proper stock fit?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2003, 11:54:58 PM »
8)  Thanks GB. I have not measured the LOP or other deminsions but have wondered: The gun was ordered from the LE side of Remington, and since most LE Officers wear personal body armour, the LOP maybe a little shorter to compensate for this extra thickness in the shoulder area. The barrel maybe straightness challenged. I do have access to another barrel to try. I also am wearing bifocals this time around and I wasn't before. My thumb is close to my nose and I have "POP"ed myself with heavier loads.

GB: Would going to a skeet/trap/sporting clay range and take a lesson or pay a Pro to watch me be a viable alternative?


Offline Bob_K

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Proper stock fit?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2003, 04:06:15 AM »
Most police 870 shotguns I've seen were not magnum receivers, nor are they generally the high polish blue.  Police departments generally don't want to pay for those extras.  It could be that the stock is not original, and has been modified along the way.

If your thumb is popping you in the nose, it could be that the stock is too short as you mentioned.  It would be a simple process to add a spacer(s) under the pad to test.
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Offline Graybeard

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Proper stock fit?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2003, 05:40:45 AM »
If your thumb is popping you then you can just about depend on the stock being too short for you regardless of LOP.

Yes IF the shooting range has a PRO to help then paying them to do so should be worth your while I think. He should be able to watch you and see what's going on and offer you some pointers to make it worth the money spent.


Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline RWH24

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Proper stock fit?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2003, 11:49:22 AM »
:D Thanks so much for the varied experience this board has to offer.
I am going to give some or all suggestions a try, starting with simple to most extreme/expensive. I have always tried to work by the "K.I.S.S." method: Keep it Simple Stupid!"

Thanks again,