well i went back to the swamp today. this morning my buddy and i shot 2 limits of ducks, with our browning golds of course, then this afternoon we went deer hunting. ive not converted him yet he is still shooting a rifle. he had his 9 year old son and let him kill a doe with my 308 browning micro medalion. with the same loads i shoot in the encore pistol. i got to my stand with just my trusty encore pistol,2-7 burris scope, in 308 with 15" barrel.had been there 10 minutes when 3 nice doe deer stepped in. but decided not to shoot at this moment. then all of a sudden they all started looking at the corner of the field then took off running. i knew what it was. so i opened the window got my earplugs in and got ready. all of asuden a big black boar hawg stepped in at 85 yds out. i usually dont shoot the big boars because they smell very strong and not to sporty to eat. but a nice sow would be nice. i know a needy family that likes the way they taste. and try to get them a couple a year. so hears my chance to try my encore out again. the 125 nosler ballistic tip handloads i made up did the trick. one shot behind the shield and down he went like a sack of taters. dead. 2nd kill for the thompson. so i get down and it is only 4:00 so i go to another stand. right before dark 3 deer stepped in. one big doe at 70 yds. i still have trouble seeing the deer through the scope when the sun goes down. its kinda fuzzy. but i finally got the crosshairs on her shoulder and down she went. wow 2 hunts with the pistol and 3 kills. this is great i love this kind of hunting. ive even got my daddy fired up about this he wants one, so im going to get him one for christmas. thank again for all yalls help, without yall or this site id still be doing the boring rifle hunts. and thanks to graybeard for having this site its the greatest.
ps. lets all be real men tomorrow and go to church with our family.