Author Topic: Daughters first big game  (Read 617 times)

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Offline northern hunter

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Daughters first big game
« on: November 10, 2003, 01:53:39 PM »
:D I had the privalidge to take my oldest daughter Amanda,  SHE'S ONLY 13 out deer hunting for a whole week with my regular hunting gang.She had past all her hunting and PAL tests last year.
We were hunting  by Pembroke Ontario.
Opening morning we just caught a glimps of a doe jumping across the skidder trail,no time for a shot.Tuesday morning it was snowing real hard,we were sitting in a double wide tree stand with a shooting rail all the way around it,it's 12 feet high.Looking down two skidder trails.
When a deer stepped out partly into the trail my daughter raised the rifle up on to the rail and the deer took one more step.It was perfectly broadside side,80 yards out BANG the buck jumps up into the air and takes off.
We sit in the stand and tell each other that it was a nice buck,and that she had hit it.I waited about 3 minutes then walked down the trail to were the buck had been standing.I only took 3 steps and could see it lying in the snow,it had only gone 20 feet before falling dead.
I yelled for my daughter to come see her first game animal that she had ever shot(she hadn't shot anything before).
It was a real nice 8 point buck,around 200 pounds.we were both over whelmed.
She had used a Ruger model 77RL Ultra light in 250 savage,shooting a 115 grain nosler ballistic silver tip.The bullet had hit it perfectly behind the shoulder right in the boiler room.She shoots like her old man.
I think i was more excited then she was.
After getting it back to camp i found out that my dad had shot a little 4 pointer.So the youngest member 13 and the oldest member 74 had both shot a nice buck.
My father had past the tourch to me them i to my daughter.Damn it felt good.
I ended up shooting a little doe with her at my side later in the week.
We all had a great time and now my youngest daughter Kellie says that when she gets her license next year she's going to shoot a 12 pointer,I really hope so.
A father coudn't be more proud.Thats the way it's supposed to turn out.
Happy hunting to all.
Frank s. :D  :-D  :grin:  :)  :D  :-D  :grin:  :)  :-D  :grin:  :)

Offline cdnclub45

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Daughters first big game
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2003, 07:02:29 PM »
You lucky hounddog.  There is nothing I'd like better than to go hunting with my kids and I never had a chance to hunt with my dad.   Circumstances just don't let that happen.  So, congrats to you and your daughter, and your dad.  It sounds like a great hunt but more important, great memories for all.  
Saturday we leave for our hunt on the Manitoulin so can't wait.

Offline longwinters

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Daughters first big game
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2003, 10:59:25 AM »
Congrats to you both!  I hunt with both of my sons and have seen them both take bucks.  But our deer are kind of smallish compared to what you have up there.  Congrats again.

Life is short......eternity is long.

Offline John Y Cannuck

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Daughters first big game
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2003, 01:26:55 AM »
Congratulations, we had a young lad with us this year, but he's still in the "afraid of the gun" stage, and can't get over not having his toys, freinds etc.
He was an agrivation to everyone in camp, but I hope we kept it hid well. We need to encourage new hunters, espescially as we in Ontario are blessed    :cry:  with double Liberal rule.
He did mangage to see two deer, with his dad, but, they crossed the hydro close and fast, no time for a shot, (or that's their excuse ) :twisted:
Canadian Liberal Gov't = elected Dictatorship