We had way to much rain this spring. I didn't get the garden in till 1-2 week of June. Then it dried up, and I was hauling water, just like you powderman. I have a trailer hooked to the back of my rider, and with one big blue barrel, that hold about 35gls. of water, and 4 5gl buckets stuck into each corner, I can haul about 55 gallons of water to my garden. It's about 300 yds behind my house, so to far to run a hose. A real pain in the butt. But, as I type this, am canning about 24 qts of tomato juice up, and hoping to get another 20 or so on Thursday. Beets will get canned next week, and have a buch of cabbage that'll turn into 'kraut in a couple weeks. Got to get it while the getting is good. gypsyman