Author Topic: setting up rcbs neck resizer  (Read 367 times)

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Offline josebd

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setting up rcbs neck resizer
« on: December 01, 2003, 12:04:19 PM »
what is the procedure in setting up the rcbs neck resizer in a press for .223. and is it the same if you full length size?

Offline bigdaddytacp

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Re: setting up rcbs neck resizer
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 02:27:29 PM »
Quote from: josebd
what is the procedure in setting up the rcbs neck resizer in a press for .223. and is it the same if you full length size?
...........Lets start with the more common full length die.....for normal FL resizing let the ram with a shell holder go all the way to the top of its stroke and then screw the full length die into the press untill it makes firm contact with the shellholder.....modern shellholders are supposed! to all made the same thickness except for extended shell holders and Redding competition type......this will make sure your case fits your or ANY normal 223 chamber.....for JUST your guns chamber you can unscrew the die a turn and size and see if the case fits your chamber easily.....this is for a BOLT or NON-AUTO gun.......but with you having a neck sizer I would guess you have a NON-AUTO 223......the neck die doesn't size the body and base of the case.....BUT it will set the shoulder back if you let it.......MOST loaders looking for accuracy in a cartridge will adjust the neck die to where the neck is sized but the shoulder isn't touched and don't size down to the neck/shoulder joint.....just over half of the neck should can test to make sure your bullets stay firm in the half sized neck.....polish the expander smooth and a little smaller to get more tension on the neck....if you use a expander in your type die.......I use molly powder for neck sizing and it shows the spot the die stops real easy with the black line in the molly will have to look in good light to see the end of the lube on the neck to spot the sizing area on the will have to full length new brass and then again when the neck sized brass is hard to chamber in your clean chamber.......this will vary according to your brass/chamber/load and die........this is for a regular RCBS or similar die in a regular 7/8 thread press....some presses rams go "over center" and drop a tiny bit when the press handle is at the bottom of the stroke....these presses just require you set the die while working the press/ram to avoid overstressing the press and it only takes a few seconds to do the first time and you don't have to reset them if you lock the lock ring on the die.......enjoy the new hobby and good luck and good shooting-loading!!