also in the state of Kalifornia , We have a DOJ approved list of handguns and If the gun you want is not on the list you cannot import one and you can only by it through a private party transfeer on a gun that was previouosly regesteered in CA. and that is actually how I am legally buying this contender , The gun store owner transfeered a number of guns to his own name.
Thompson will not submit there guns to the test (Drop test and ?) , Actually I dont know of a single shot pistol that has been tested.
To top it off a single action 5 or 6 shot revolver is excempt from the testing .
I could rant on for several pages , The problem is that other than the stupid gun laws I like CA.
If The guys like me leave and let the liberals win the next fight with the liberals may be on your doorstep.