My garden was completely covered in salt water during Hurricane Earl. I called our agricultural specialist and was advised to irrigate it, even if it was wet. Mother nature complied with about five inches of rain. I was amazed that nothing died. I had tomato, pepper, egg plant, and lettuces that were saved. The wind blew almost all the leaves off the tomato and pepper plants.
A friend of mine whose garden does not drain as well, lost everything he had planted.
My yard is all St. Augustine which is salt tolerant. I sprayed it twice with a chemical to kill cinch bugs and it is great.
I'll send in a few soil samples this week. The ag agent suggested I make a note for the lab to check the salt levels.
Who would have ever thought a vegitable garden could survive being under a foot of tide? I had dead shrimp and a blue crab in it when the water receeded.