We are not blind to what is going on with the Anti-Gun movement. I must say that their new tactics are better than the old ones. They started out calling themselves Handgun Control, Handgun violence, and other scary names. They now call themeselves Citizens for Gun Safety, Hunters for the Second Amendment Etc. They all sound like good guys right? They also have become very active on Web Forums as NRA reformers. They never talk about joining the NRA and voting for reforms with in the NRA. They cry about the NRA sell out or big spenders of their money. This is all right out of the new Anti-gunner tactics. They are either plants or they are reading the misinformation they get from their Unions and other left of center net works. In the 1960s NRA members felt the organization was going the wrong way. We got together behind Neal Knox and others and brought about the Revolution at the national meetings in Ohio. These folks who rant against the NRA if they were really concerned about gun rights would work for change inside the NRA. They are loved by the left as they claim to be gun owners who hate gun rights advocates.