Author Topic: Stands are up, deer are moving....  (Read 1079 times)

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Stands are up, deer are moving....
« on: October 03, 2010, 02:38:11 PM »
It looks like a mass migration every evening just before dark, with all the deer headed across the back of the land we will hunt this year.  I've counted more than 20 on a couple of occasions.  I don't know where they go to bed down, but when they move in the evenings, they are headed to the muscadine vines across the back of our place.  They have been stopping off  to nibble off our food plot, and we've even found where they came onto the porch during the night and ate the dog food.  Perfect muddy deer prints on the wood floor.

Got the stands up today, the 280 is sighted, ammo is loaded, and grandson is pumped!

He sat about 2 hours in the big stand this evening watching the deer, and argueing with me that no one would know if we went ahead and shot a few........he can't quite grasp that whole season/law/fine and trouble  thing.

We will hunt next week with the muzzie, and that should get him settled a bit.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

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Re: Stands are up, deer are moving....
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2010, 06:29:14 PM »
The last few days have really put me in the mood to hunt. This morning was crisp and cool outside with the smell of fall in the air.

I road around some old logging trails Sunday just looking at how the area had grown up. I passed several trees 2 fingers wide that were rubbed clean within the last couple days. While riding I found an area that I plan on putting a stand in sometime this weekend.

Like you, my 6 year old grandson is ready to go.The little guy keeps asking when will it be time.
I have been taking him to a stand thats enclosed and in a pretty good location. He is doing better about not moving around so much but he still wiggles.

Don't think I will do any hunting during muzzle season but we may go sit a couple evenings just for fun.

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Re: Stands are up, deer are moving....
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2010, 02:24:04 AM »
Got a call from my huntin buddy yesterday.  He was out putting finishing touches on our stands and said scrapes were everywhere.  Must be this cold snap we're having because when I was down there week and a half ago there was no sign at all...  :-\
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Offline Ron 1

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Re: Stands are up, deer are moving....
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2010, 03:30:15 AM »
i know michigan is a long way off but the deer are fighting up here.
oct, first was opening day for our bow season and i got a 7 pointer his ears, neck and face were all gouged up from fighting scrapes and rubs all over. the 6th  is my birthday and i would like to get one so i will be out there rattleing
trying for the big one.  good luck to everyone. it might be good to rattle lightly like two deer sparring. it has worked for  a buddy of mine over the weekend.
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Re: Stands are up, deer are moving....
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 06:29:15 PM »
i know michigan is a long way off but the deer are fighting up here.
oct, first was opening day for our bow season and i got a 7 pointer his ears, neck and face were all gouged up from fighting scrapes and rubs all over. the 6th  is my birthday and i would like to get one so i will be out there rattleing
trying for the big one.  good luck to everyone. it might be good to rattle lightly like two deer sparring. it has worked for  a buddy of mine over the weekend.

Not quite the rut for us....I jumped up several bucks that were bedded a few weeks that won't be happening.

My grand daughter sat a while in one of my stands yesterday late, and said she counted 12 deer within the tree line, (200 yds. in either direction)

Our rut should kick in about the first of Nov.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline AtlLaw

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Re: Stands are up, deer are moving....
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2010, 06:32:20 AM »
I jumped up several bucks that were bedded together...

WHAT!   :o  OH NO!   >:(  Do you mean this gay pride stuff has even reached our deer herd!   :o

Our rut should kick in about the first of Nov.

Won't be much of a rut if what you say above is so...  :-\
Former Captain of Horse, keeper of the peace and interpreter of statute.  Currently a Gentleman of leisure.
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Re: Stands are up, deer are moving....
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2010, 12:23:08 PM »
I jumped up several bucks that were bedded together...

WHAT!   :o  OH NO!   >:(  Do you mean this gay pride stuff has even reached our deer herd!   :o

Our rut should kick in about the first of Nov.

Won't be much of a rut if what you say above is so...  :-\

Now Richard, don't be jumping to conclusions....these ain't HOtlanta deer.....besides, we have a don't ask don't tell policy.... ;D
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)