Monday I started vacation and set out about 3/4s of my raccoon trapline, plan to put out the rest Tuesday. Tuesday my son was off work so he decided to ride along for the first check and help set out the rest of the line. Five stops into the check my truck decides to die? just quit?
Half hour earlier my son had said I was jinxing myself by saying the truck was running the best it ever has in a long time. He commented how it didn't seem right that I replaced the cracked windshield. He missed the nice big star burst prism effect in your eyes when driving into the morning sun or headlights from on coming cars. He said if I was going to replace the wind shield in and old truck liike mine I should have maybe used chicken wire, just to keep the big chunks out. Wear goggles to keep the wind and dust out of my eye's, he said it seemed more my style. I said well then it would have been cheaper just to look threw the big star burst. Kids a comic..
So now the trucks engine rolls over but won't even pop? I got no clue just dead???
I hoof it up the hill catch a cellphone signal and call the wife. She drives out, thankfully it was only 13 mile drive for her and a 1/2 mile or so hoof to the road for us. Back home we get in my sons truck drive back out to the farm and then tow my old truck home. We put into my sons truck what I needed to pick my traps back up and headed out. I hated to do it but I figured it was best to pick the traps back up unitl I know where I'm at with my truck.
Now I could borrow my sons truck, but I don't want to be beating his truck up like I do mine. Picking the line up he drove where he felt it was best so any scratches and dings to the truck are on him. He didn't even whine to much about almost bouncing his eye balls loose a couple times, but he's a gramma sometimes.
So now delema!
I still have my first 5 stops set and I'm going to pick those traps up this morning, I can get at all of them today driving my old van. I'm going to pick them up because if it rains I'll be walking or stuck using the van. Weather man has been talking rain and the vans a pooch on even wet grass.
Best I can figure with the old truck is maybe the timing chain I'm no mechanic. Not sure if I want to tow it to a garage and pay to have them tell me that or just tear into it. I'm leaning towards tearing it apart myself because thats just what I do. Either way I'm out of the coon business till I get something figured out.
I did catch 9 coon yesterday which is just 4 short of what I caught in 5 days last season. So maybe the coon are making a come back on my line.
I'll head out to pick up my traps when I'm done typing this. When I get home I'll skin any coon I might have. Then I'll be up to my elbows in truck, which I hate doing but always do. Did I Did I mention I have to do my truck repairs in the drive way? So rain will screw up my truck repairing as much as it would my trapping.
Don't ya just love us cheap guys telling stories?
It's always something.