Haven't weighed my newest 375JDJ yet, but my old one with 270 gr. max loads was developing something like 44 foot pounds of recoil per my ballistic software (SSK 14", Arrestor MB, 1.5-4 30mm tube and steel mounts, Pachy's mounted with a Bullberry bar - can't remember how much the whole rig weighed). The Pachy Decelerators kept it very manageable, and I easily shoot it one handed (my preferance) or off a bench/rest doing load work. Have shot 200 max loads in a session with both Speer GS 285's and LRBT 300's and could still sign my name after. :wink:
As GB, et al have said, the recoil is straight back with the Arrestor (way more effective than the 4-port Mag-Na-Port BTW), with very little torque, if any... but I do manage to get some muzzle rise (my max loads ARE max). Concussion is not bad for the shooter with good ear protection, but bystanders run for cover (even with EP) and it'll throw flames that light up the pre dawn or dusk sky. About the most fun you can have if you're into the handcannons. I have a bunch of them - the 375JDJ's are the easy favorites to me - shoot like a laser.
My newest 375JDJ has the full length T'SOB rib (adds weight), but only the 4-port M-N-P break (guy I bought it from told me it had the SSK AMB - he lied). Will have to see what it works out to in pounds recoil once I can get it chronied with max loads.
375JDJ - yer gonna luv it!