yellow. Another brilliant post I see. A retired WW11 vet told me years ago that he was a radio man on an attack troop carrier headed for Japan to invade. He said they kept sendng the same message, he finally decoded it. The japs were telling the civilians to send their children towards the allies with boquets of flowers with a grenade inside and to kill as many allies as they could, the child of course was expendable. He said the standing order went out to shoot any child that tried to approach them with flowers. He said, thank God we dropped the bomb just a week before they would have started a ground assault. When he finished his story he pointed a bony finger in the air and said, I don't want to hear nothing about killing 100,000 japs, we saved over a million lives. I said, yes Sir you did, God bless you, and gave him a hug. Anything other than what we did would have cost MANY more allied lives, and japs too. POWDERMAN.