Author Topic: California Election Results  (Read 160 times)

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California Election Results
« on: November 03, 2010, 07:11:51 AM »
Defying the GOP national wave, California votes elected aging  Democrat Jerry Brown as Governor and Barbara Boxer as US Senator over GOP challengers.    This, after decades of Democratic dominance has  wrecked  California.  The State of California and many of its cities are simply  broke.  

Jerry Brown served two prior terms as Governor and was recently the mayor of Oakland.  (He ran for mayor promising to reduce crime and "reform" education in that failed 90% minority city.  Crime increased and the Oakland Schools were taken over by the State of California. While mayor he increased by a factor of seven, the number of city employees making over $200,000 per year!)

Every single  picture of  Jerry Brown published by the LA Times during the  gubernatorial campaign showed him posing with mobs of  Hispanics and a handful of token blacks. Not a single picture of him with  white people, except his wife and Barbara Boxer.  This is hardly surprising, since there are almost no white people left in California, it's almost a futile gesture to appeal to the dwindling 'white vote."  

Brown campaigned for governor  by promising to support a "pathway to citizenship" for the Latino invaders of this country, and advocated, among other government benefits,  in-state tuition rates for them and loans and grants (i.e. welfare) if they can't afford in-state tuition, which most can't. A  non-resident American citizen has to pay non-resident tuition, but Mestizos get rewarded for sneaking into our country by discounted tuition and welfare if they can't afford to pay even that. 

I  know teachers who have been laid off and others have had their hours cut.  Police and fire protection is being reduced. If California can't pay its teachers, police and fire fighters, where is the money coming from to give benefits to Mexicans?  God only knows! ,  California can't print money...yet.  

The hated white working class, small business owners have been ethnically cleansed from California and  "Reagan Country" is gone forever.   California is a political subdivision of Mexico and increasingly California communities are physically indistinguishable from the Mexican slums from which so many new arrivals came.
The same state that can't find money to fill potholes and pay cops, teachers and firefighters can subsidize college educations for  third world undesirables who don't even have a legal right to be here.

If there is one issue you need to get serious about it is national defense...against the third world infestation of our country from south of the border.  If the brown tidal wave hits your town, you too will be forced to become a refugee like so many Californians because your town will no longer be suitable for human habitation.