Author Topic: JB Weld or Glass Bedding Material  (Read 3204 times)

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Offline KRex

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JB Weld or Glass Bedding Material
« on: July 30, 2010, 05:06:08 AM »
I got a stock to replace the Military stock on my Mauser K-98. Due to variences among actions there are some minor spaces @1/16" or less. The action fits the inletting but there are some Gaps that I would like to Fill -In. Should I be concerned over these small Gaps or Just leave the Issue alone ? Most glass bedding kits are $40 + and I only need a Small amount ... Would JB weld work ? and should I Pillar Bed the rear Action Screw ?

This is my 1st "Project  Stock" so some assistance from experienced people would be appreciated.

I've finished a LOT of stocks with complements from Gunsmiths so all I need is a Little push...


Offline Mikey

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Re: JB Weld or Glass Bedding Material
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 01:54:53 AM »
(1):  don't use JB weld for that job.  (2) you did not say what the replacement stock is made of, wood or synthetic.  (3) do not bother with 'glass bedding' kits at $40 per, get some bedding compound from Brownells - less than $10 - the kind that comes in two tubes and you mix the amount you want (works with all materials).  (4)  you can pillar bed the rear action screw if you want and can use pretty much anything you want - copper, aluminum.  (5) Bed the entire action and the barrel no further out than the end of the chamber.  (6) Do not forget to use a release agent or you 'project' will be 'permanently fixed'.

If you are replacing with a mil-spec stock, make certain the barrel is free-floated all the way out and also make certain when you re-mount the upper handguard that it sits on the lower stock, not the barrel.  I have floated a couple of mil-spec rifle barrels like that - literally free floated them within the military stocks, and they have all shot great.  Hope this helps. 

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Re: JB Weld or Glass Bedding Material
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 03:54:03 PM »

Yes, that's real good stuff, too. The wax release agent sent with it goes a long way, and is
top quality.
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