That was mentioned briefly. What was mentioned was that the kdfw said initially that blue tongue appeared not to have an effect on the deeer population BUT now, (two years later) that their are indications that blue tongue has had an effect on the deer population.
I do want to add that I think the kdfw is doing a very good job. Don't always agree with everything they do but, they offer a great amount of hunting and fishing opportunities. They even stated at the start of the townhall meeting that they know they can't please everyone all the time but through conversation (townhall meetings), can work through and find a happy medium and find things that work for most of the people.
Case in point, one thing mentioned by a guest was lifelong hunting fishing licenses. The kdfw said they have looked into this and have talked to other states and have basically been advised they are not a good idea as they don't generate the sustainable funds they need but, a 3 or 5 year license is a workable solution they said they are seriously looking into.