I've done the steel fur thing and it works well. I used a bit of wax after the steel fur took the shine. It seems to even up the level of shine and create a more uniform sheen. If you wish to remove the poly finish that too is possible. I use a propane torch and apply heat to the finish. Keep the torch moving and try to not burn anything. As the finish is heated it will 'curdle' or bubble up. This is the polymers in the plastic breaking down. The heat is what does the trick. Do not allow the wood or finish to char as this will stain the wood quite deeply. All we need is enough heat to alter the polymers in the plastic finish. These finishes are very resistant to chemicals but heat just does them in. After the has done it's work I scrape the destroyed finish away with an old knife blade. The removal should be down while the finish is still quite warm. Do this a small patch at a time, about 2-3 by 3-4 inches is good. This ensures the finish is still soft. If allowed to cool it becomes more difficult to scrape away. Just reheat and it will scrape off easily. There will be bits a pieces left of the woods surface but they have been changed by the heat and no longer clog sandpaper so they afre removed in the sanding process. If the wood doesn't require dent removal a light sanding with 220 grit open coat paper followed by '00' steel wool polishing is all that's left. Finish as you wish.. Remember sand only very lightly. Excess sanding will change the surface contours and cause you much grief....