I respect a guy's 'wants', but, if I may; After a bunch of years, a bunch of guns and a bunch of money I have found that the basic selection for me (if you will consider), is a .22LR (yeah, I still have a bunch, but one good one would do), a HV smallbore CF for varmints, etc. (a .223 or even your 25-06 is fine), and a 'bigbore' (a .308 or 30-06 on up) will cover whatever you want to do or play with and use the left over money for more ammo, or a nice hunting trip, or even pie and ice cream with your friends.
PS, this didnt include a shotgun; my preference is a 20ga., or handgun; a .22LR and CF of choice.
AND, maybe someday I will get down to this few.........but Im getting better.