This Proposed Constitutional Amendment protecting the absolute Right of Freedom of Association will restore, at least in substantial part, the rights of 1st class citizenship to white people, by making the right of freedom of association both express and absolute. Under present law, it is only implied and is conditional and can be twisted by corrupt legislatures and activist judge.
This proposed Constitutional Amendment would also strip the Federal and State courts of jurisdiction to determine its constitutionality. No activist judge will even have the power to hear a challenge much less to rule on it.
"The right of freedom of association, however exercised, whether individually or collectively, whether personally, professionally, whether on the basis of race, religion, nationality, creed, gender or sexual preference, or on any other basis, or in the course of international, interstate or intrastate commerce, is absolute and shall not be regulated or infringed.
"No court of law or equity of the United States or of any state thereof shall have jurisdiction to determine the constitutionality of this amendment, or any part hereof, but only to enforce the absolute right of freedom of association as set forth in this amendment."
The purpose of this proposed amendment is to restore 1st class citizenship to white people by restoring to the white race the freedom of association that was taken from it by the so called "civil rights" laws, which apply only against white, heterosexual Christian people and only on behalf of non-whites and sex perverts who want to force themselves on unwilling normal people who can't stand them. No more will white, heterosexual Christian people be divested of the right of freedom of association and no more will non-white peoples and sex perverts be allowed to force unwilling white victims into associations that inure only to the benefit of non-whites and sex perverts and to the extreme detriment of white peoples and white children. The infringement of white people's right of freedom of association under so called "anti-discrimination laws" is a badge of slavery on white people. It is no longer tolerable.
The historical precedent for "anti-discrimination laws" is that of slavery. Under the anti-discrimination laws, covetous non-whites can force unwilling whites into associations with them under the guise of prohibiting "discrimination." Discrimination is the exercise of freedom of choice and is an inviolate human right and it is a violation of that right to allow one person or persons to force another unwilling person or group to enter into an association.
Under slavery whites forced unwilling non-whites into associations, i.e., the relationship of master and slave. It is a badge of slavery to deprive any person or group of persons of the right of freedom of association and to deprive them of the right to reject associations forced on them against their will, either personally or in business. For the same reason that it was wrong for whites to force unwilling non-whites into the association of slavery against their will, it is wrong that non-whites be given the unilateral right under the so called civil rights laws to force unwilling whites into associations with covetous non-whites and sex perverts. This proposed amendment will guarantee equal rights for all peoples and all races.
This proposed amendment would nullify all so-called "anti-discrimination laws" and would strip the Federal and state courts of the subject matter jurisdiction to declare this amendment unconstitutional. Judicial relief would be limited to vindicating and enforcing the absolute right of freedom of association as set forth herein.