My son and I had another great opening weekend. We hunt the same farm I've hunted for over 30 yrs. I've been taking Dan since he was 10 yrs. old, and he is 28 now. He's never missed an opening weekend with the ole man in all that time. Here is the buck he took at about 7:30 am, opening day. He shot it with his handi rifle, 44 mag, using hornady LE ammo.
I had some trials and tribulations, with my Marlin 1894, 44 mag. Managed to miss 2 deer, between 80-100 yds., on 2 standing shots. Although I've killed 5 deer with that gun, over the last 2 yrs., I've also managed to miss clean, about 4 in that same period of time. handloads/factory loads, it doesn't matter. After about 60 yds., the groups open up too far. Long story short, I went home and got my CVA wolf out, and loaded it up. 80 gr. 777 and a 295 gr. powerbelt. This is how it did on Sunday.
90 lbs. field dressed.
125 lbs. field dressed.
I sold the Marlin tues. to a guy. Gonna hunt the rest of the year with the Wolf.
Mad Dog