My friend Mike tucker and I ,started working icebound rats this last weekend.Of course it had to warm up,which had us watching for open water and thin ice around rat houses.Many of the houses we could'nt even set because of open water around them.
I still went through several times when setting the trap.Also got to practice flying straight up in the air,only problem with this is when I landed---total back and head contact with ice[even bad ice hurts] lol
The capper was ,on the last check,I also got to do the ---see how deep that water under the ice really is----- Mike had cautiously crossed,I then sent the loaded otter sled across.I decided that if the loaded sled could make it ,I could too.Half way acroos I found this to be untrue.{oh by the way,that water under the ice---came right up to the top of my waders}
Now the fun really begins,we have just been hit with a foot of snow.The next check is bound to provide enough exitement for a lifetime.
Now bad ice and open water will be hidden by a foot of snow,a rope and life preserver will be making the next trip with us.
Can't believe what a guy will do ,to make a living------On second thought--I can. Tom