I have a 657-3. It shoots like a laser. I can't see them iron sites. I bought a B-Square from Ebay. It didn't quit fit right. Slides in the rear and one screw in the front and the clamp in the rear and the barrel clamps. Using a Millet red dot, fired three rounds, flew over my shoulder. Stripped the screws and scratched the barrel. Mad. Took her home and fitted it to the frame, drilled the three holes in the mount, standard on most Smiths and re-attached. Worked fine after that. Ugly, way high, and black on a SS gun. 6" at 100y with the red dot. I now use a Weigland mount, silver. Nice. They are machined to fit all the contours and not that expensive. I trashed the B-Square. It might work on a 22lr or even a 38 special, but didn't on that 41 mag. If I could afford to do it over, I would use a steel mount and rings made for the Smith. I have a 2X scope and use max loads now. Still shoots like a laser. PS the screws are 6X48, buy um any ware. If there too long and they stick through the top strap, Take um out and grind them off till there even. I never use locktite and have never had an issue.