I bought one from Cabelas out of Austin a few years back. They had them on sale for $299.00. I couldn't pass up any Remington for that little of money so one came home. I have a Burris FFII 4.5-16 on top of it. Since I also have AR platforms I tried a load that seems to work in almost any 223 I've stuffed it in- 25.0 grs AA2230 under a Sierra 55gr HP. That's a max load so work up to it if trying it. Accuracy is well under a half inch at 100 yds. But most any 223 shoots real tight anyway. I've only shot a couple of hogs with it but none ran very far- less than 10 yds and the bullet got to where the crosshairs were when the gun went off. The longest shot was right at 200 yds on a 300lbs piggy. I haven't tried any bullets heavier but it will not shoot the Barnes 50gr Varmint Grenades at all. You can't hit a 3' piece of paper at 100 yds with those. I'm assuming the twist rate is wrong as my quick twist ARs will shoot them, just not very good. Overall, I'm happy with the one I have and If I had a complaint, it would be that the action, while wearing the 700 name, is a little on the sloppy side. My other 700's from years back are real tight and smooth. This has lots of slop in the bolt sliding. But I buy guns for what it does with the bullets so I guess I can't call that a complaint.