Author Topic: Some HAVE TO KNOW info  (Read 737 times)

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Offline DDelle338

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Some HAVE TO KNOW info
« on: January 22, 2011, 06:39:36 AM »
Take the time to read and watch it all. Very informative.
Life's a Bitch, But the puppies are cute.

Offline dougell

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Re: Some HAVE TO KNOW info
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 12:21:00 PM »
This has been posted numerous times on just about every message board.It's no secret that DCNR had to start managing the state forest from a nutritional carrying capacity to a diverse carrying capacity in order to keep their forest certification.It's also no secret that DCNR was told to do whatever was politically necessary to get the PGC to let them take measures to reduce the herd on the state forests.That used to be stated on the very first paragrapg of DCNR's deer management plan.Originally,THEY ASKED FOR UNLIMITED TAGS,A RIFLE SEASON THAT LASTED FOR SEVERAL MONTHS,BAITING,GROUP HUNTING,THE ABILITY TO TRANSFER TAGS,No limit on how mnay deer you could shoot at one time and others.The PGC did not cave into any of those demands.They got DMAP as did every other private property owner that wanted less deer.Less than 8% of Pa is comprised of state forests so it's ridiculous to assume that the herd was reduced statewide just to certify 8% of Pa's land mass,none of which is owned or controlled by the PGC.I would be able to see somewhat of a conspiracy if the state game lands were certied but they're not.Pa had way too mnay deer for way too long.There's reams and reams of scientific evidence that proves beyond a doubt that deer were severly impacting the habitat.Herd reductions were very much justified.

This Eveland guy is a piece of work.Read his biography.He claims to have written the first bear and Elk management plans for the PGC.HE NEVER WORKED FOR THE PGC.He was a student as PSU at the time.Numerous searches have been done with his name and not one piece of peer-reviewed work has surfaced.