Now that I have completed the reloading-curious phase of my life and have no desire to test the recoil limits of my shoulder or eyebrow, most of my range shooting from this point on will probably be 22 LRs in rifles and pistols. None of my centerfire brass ever hit the ground. But now I am faced with having to clean up and dispose of my brass at the range. and having bought 16 bricks of Blazers, I am pretty sure I have at leats 8000 pieces of brass to pick up in my future.
The range has a concrete pad to be swept and provides brooms, dustpans and trashcans, but I want to hear if there is anything smarter. 22 brass is difficult to sweep on broom-finished concrete. I know roofers have those magnetic things to pick up nails, but brass is not magnetic.
Please share any tips you have about cleaning up rimfire brass, or recycling it.