He and howling are why I'm coyote hunting...
I'm still getting my new gun sighted in, I've been out a handful of times this fall so far, called in 7, many of those were with howls, or right after howls. I will be doing some yote hunting while back home for christmas break the next few weeks as well.
One pair in particular came in to me doing multiple dog howls on my ELK power howler. Had already been calling for an hour or so, had done locator/challenge/female invite howls, rabbit/fox distress, growls mixed with kiyis, threw the whole bag of tricks at them, nothing. I took the howler out for my last ditch effort, did a med-high pitched howl up and to the right, a deep howl down to the left, cut into that with a very high pitched pup off to the other side and kind of alternated like this for several howls.
Next thing I know I look to my right and two dogs are trotting in hard... This particular one just sticks out to me, was a cool hunt, howls did it when nothing else would here.
I'm hooked on howling, it is about the calling for me and I love the interaction you can get with howls.