USH with the Nikon BDC 200 reticule scope and is highly accurate out to 200 yards with Hornady's SST'S. My Dad has a Remington 870 with a slug scope and is highly accurate out to 100 yards.
We got up to an embankment and were talking about what to do. My Dad was the spotter for me because his gun isn't as good as mine. I got setup the prone position which was is like shooting off the bench. The first deer I shot, I double lunged it and didn't even go 20 yards. Then I reloaded and shot at another deer and ended up hitting the tree it was standing by.
We decided to charge at the deer to make sure that they wouldn't run off the property and my Dad dropped a deer in it's tracks at 100 yards. After about dozen shots between us, we ended up killing two deer and had a complete blast. The deer I shot at and killed was at 195 yards which for me is the farthest deer I have ever taken with my USH.