Author Topic: Wisconsin Outdoor Report January 6, 2011  (Read 423 times)

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Wisconsin Outdoor Report January 6, 2011
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:37:02 AM »
The unseasonable thaw combined with rain that hit Wisconsin just before the New Year caused a major melt down of snow conditions across much of the state. The thaw was followed by frigid temperatures that left crusty snow and ice in many locations. As of late this week, snowmobile trails remain open in about 20 counties, mostly in the northern tier of counties, but also in some west central counties, according to the Snow Conditions Report (exit DNR). Snowmobile conditions generally good to fair, with some poor.

The meltdown also affected cross-country ski trails, but some parks and forests have been able to re-groom trails, especially in those areas that received an inch or two of snow in the last week. The best conditions are in the far northwestern part of the state, but even some southern locations were still reporting fair to good conditions, including Mirror Lake, Blue Mound, and Wildcat Mountain state parks, and the Lapham Peak Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest, on the loop where the friends group operates snow making equipment. Lake Kegonsa State Park has cancelled a candlelight ski event scheduled this Saturday, but events will proceed on Saturday at Lapham Peak, Mirror Lake, Wildcat Mountain and Harrington Beach. A complete list of candlelight events is available on the Department of Natural Resources website. (Click on teh tab for All Candlelight Events.)

Ice conditions have vastly improved on lakes across the state, as the rain and mild temperatures melted most of the snow from the ice surface. With the insulating snow layer gone, this has allowed the slush and water layers to freeze and has created a fairly smooth and slick ice surface on most waters. Ice depths have also begun to increase with the lack of snow cover and thickness now ranges between 8 and 12 inches. The first vehicles have been observed on a few waters, but caution is still urged as ice depths continue to be quite variable across many lakes.

Walleye and panfish have been the main species of interest and anglers report sporadic action. The best walleye success has been on small to medium sucker minnows fished near break lines in 5 to 10 feet of water. Panfish anglers continue to see more consistent action with some good success for perch reported on northern lakes. Crappie and bluegill were being caught on southern lakes.

The New Years warm-up brought out good numbers of anglers on the Root River at Racine. Anglers fishing the early morning bite were drifting spawn sacs or artificial baits and catching some brown trout ranging from 2 to 6 pounds. One fly fisher landed a nice spawning female brown that weighted 6.5 pounds and another angler caught an 8-pound steelhead on a tube jig tipped with a wax worm. The warm-up also brought out a few boats on the Mississippi River near Redwing with a few walleye and small sauger providing action.

A record number of people purchased licenses for the 2011 Lake Winnebago system sturgeon spearing season, so opening weekend Saturday February 12 will likely be very busy around the lakes. Details on license sales, harvest caps, seasons, and important sturgeon spearing regulations are in the 2011 Winnebago Sturgeon Spearing Regulation and Information Pamphlet now available on the Lake Winnebago sturgeon page of the DNR website.

A reminder that the final days of deer hunting are winding down, with the late archery season and the holiday hunt in the CWD management zone both closing at the end of shooting hours Sunday, Jan. 9

Great horned owls are calling vigorously, and their nighttime calls may be heard over great distances. Owls are territorial, and one of the primary reasons that owls call is to verbally defend their territories from other owls of their own kind. They will continue calling well into February. Egg laying typically takes place from late January through mid-February, and owlets are born about a month later.

A three-minute audio version of this report can be heard by calling (608) 266 2277.

A new report is put on the line each week.

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Superior DNR Service Center area

Brule River State Forest - The After Hours Cross-country Ski Trail was combed Jan. 1. Generally the skating conditions are very good. Classic conditions are poor to fair. New track couldn't be laid due to snow conditions after the Thursday rain. There are a few icy spots from where water flowed onto the trail from all the rain on Thursday, but they are very scattered. Generally, the trail combed up very nicely. Classic tracks are shallow but solid. Due to trail improvements made during the rain, the track on Classic Trail from River Road to White Pine Trail was destroyed. It will be re-set with the next snow of more than 3 inches.

Hayward DNR Service Center area

Tuscobia State Trail - The rail is open for snowmobile, ATV & UTV riding but is in fair to poor riding conditions due to lack of snow and recent rain.

Park Falls DNR Service Center area

Upper Chippewa Basin fisheries report (Price, Rusk, Sawyer Taylor and inland Ashland and Iron counties) - Ice conditions have vastly improved on lakes across the Northwoods, as the rain and mild temperatures in late December melted most of the snow from the ice surface. With the insulating snow layer gone, this has allowed the slush and water layer to freeze and has created a fairly smooth and slick ice surface on most waters. Ice depths have also begun to increase with the lack of snow cover and thickness now ranges between 8 and 12 inches on area lakes. The first vehicles have been observed on a few waters, but caution is still urged as ice depths continue to be quite variable across many lakes. The variable weather conditions in the last two weeks have made for some erratic fishing success across the north. Walleye and panfish have been the main species of interest and most anglers report sporadic action. For walleye, some days have produced fair catches of 12 to 16 inch walleye and other days have found bites hard to come by. The best success has been on small to medium suckers minnows, and fished near break lines in 5 to 10 feet of water. Cloudy days have produced the best success, with the hour before dark being the prime time to be out. With many of the lakes in the area having stained water, after-dark fishing has been very slow. Panfish anglers continue to see more consistent action than the walleye anglers. Some good success for perch has been reported, but crappie and bluegill have been a little tougher to find. Perch were still being caught on waxworms and small minnows, and have been found at depths as shallow as 4 feet and out to 15-plus-feet of water. Some nice crappie and bluegill have been found suspended just off the bottom in 15 to 24 feet of water, with waxworms and small minnows producing some fair action at times. Northern pike action has been somewhat slow, as it seems that the dark-stained water that is prevalent this year may be inhibiting angler success.

Flambeau River State Forest - The entire Flambeau Hills cross-country ski trail was groomed for skate skiing on Wednesday and is in very nice to excellent condition, with a very firm base. It is level and clean, should be fast. The base took a hit during the warm period and unfortunately prohibit the ability to set classic track. The trail will need a minimum of 3 inches of new snow to resume classic track grooming. Ice dams on the Flambeau River backed up water causing a portion of Pinery Grade Trail to flood and freeze. Skiers should avoid this area until the river resumes normal flow. Temps will be in the teens with light snow predicted for each day this week and significant accumulations possible on Friday.

Woodruff DNR Service Center area

Northern Highland-American Legions State Forest - Warm temperatures and rain last week caused ski trail conditions to deteriorate. Crews cut up the ice on the Escanaba Trail Palette Lake and short loops. Track was set on Pallette loop, but it was inconsistent, with fair conditions and some thin spots. Rock skis recommended until the area receives more snow. The road into the trail was very icy and was sanded but caution is still advised. Grooming of other forest trails has been suspended until there is an adequate snowfall.

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Green Bay DNR Service Center area

Brown County – Anglers at Voyageur Park were reporting some success walleye fishing in about 10 feet of water using jigs and minnows. A few small perch were also being caught in shallow water on wax worms. Ice thickness according to anglers is in the half foot range close to shore; use caution when ever venturing out on the ice. Fishing at Sunset Beach was slow with only a few small perch reported. Bayshore Park/ Dycksville anglers have been fishing for yellow perch and white fish. Most anglers have been fishing in 15 to 25 feet of water and have been using jigging spoons tipped with minnow heads or wax worms. Most of the lower bay seems to have good ice on it; however it would be prudent to use caution there as well.

Sturgeon Bay DNR Service Center area

Door County - Sturgeon Bay ice conditions are very poor because of the warmer weather last week and overall wind conditions. Prior to this weekend a few walleye and some white fish were being caught. Some yellow perch have been caught around the state park as well. The wind played havoc on some of the permanent ice shelters at Little Sturgeon Bay during the last few days, with some being ripped apart or blown across the bay. Anglers, however, have been finding some perch in the weed beds. Most have been using wax worms and minnows. Anglers have been finding good numbers of white fish from Lime Kiln Road to Sand Bay. Use extreme caution though when venturing out in these areas due to poor ice conditions. Anglers have been fishing with small jigs or jigging spoons with a wax warm or a small peace of Berkley gulp for bait.

Whitefish Dunes State Park - Current ski trail conditions are icy and poor with little tracks remaining after the New Years weekend warm weather and following freeze. Light snow has fallen, making the tracks slick. Current snowshoe trail conditions are that snowshoes are not needed due to compacted snow. The Black Trail and beach are open to hikers and snowshoers. There is no hiking or snowshoeing allowed on or next to any ski trail (Red, Yellow or Green). The Brachiopod trail does not make a continuous loop during the ski season; those wishing to see the wetland are asked to return on the Black trail. There is no hiking or snowshoeing on the side of the ski trail. Pileated woodpeckers are abundant around the park. A large white cedar tree at the park entrance has three fresh holes. Birders reported spotting several common mergansers and a few buffleheads off the rocky shore. They had fun watching them surf the waves! Grey and red squirrels have frequented the ground under the feeder. The feeder has been attracting chickadees, Nuthatches and once in a while Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers. The bald eagle landed on the edge of the ice shoves during the morning hours.

Potawatomi State Park - The meltdown and refreeze over the holidays took its toll on the trails and ice conditions. There is still some snow on the cross-country ski trails, but they are icy and in poor condition. Trails will not be groomed until the park gets a couple more inches of snow. Snowmobile trails are currently closed in the park. Please call the park office at 920-746-2890 for current trail conditions. Most ice shanties have been pulled back to the shoreline. Anglers are waiting for better ice before venturing far from shore.

Wautoma DNR Service Center area

Hartman Creek State Park - Cross-country ski trails are in poor condition, because of the lack of new snow and the New Years eve rainy conditions. Please use caution, as there may be bare areas or icy areas on the trails. Call the park office for condition updates (715)258-2372.

Oshkosh DNR Service Center area

Sturgeon spearers from across Wisconsin and beyond are looking forward to the 2011 season now less than six weeks away opening Saturday February 12. A record number of people purchased licenses this year so opening weekend will likely be very busy around the lakes. Details on license sales, harvest caps, seasons, and important sturgeon spearing regulations are in the 2011 Winnebago Sturgeon Spearing Regulation and Information Pamphlet. The pamphlet also includes an interim summary of the results collected thus far from a long-term sturgeon sonic telemetry (Tracking) study. The first of three upcoming Sturgeon for Tomorrow banquets being held prior to the spearing season is this weekend, Jan. 8, in Fond du Lac. All the details are in the pamphlet in the Sturgeon for Tomorrow section.

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Kettle Moraine State Forest, Lapham Peak Unit – As of Jan. 4, the cross-country skiing is very good with skating and a double classical track set on the section of trail with manmade snow. The remainder of the trail is not skiable. Wednesday night ski races began this week. Free ski lessons are held on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. Meet at the trail head.

Kettle Moraine State Forest, Northern Unit – Cross-country ski trails at Greenbush received 2 inches of fresh snow and are in decent shape. Not enough snow to set tracks yet but fair skating conditions. Some classic skiers are enjoying the fresh snow and skied in a track. Classic trail is not open yet. Groomers were out this week working on the trails. Still some icy spots and thin spots so be cautious. Some additional accumulation is forecast so trails should be in good shape for the Northern Kettle Moraine Nordic Ski Club Winter Fest, which is still scheduled to go on this Saturday at Greenbush. Zillmer trails are not ski-able. Grooming operations are suspended until the trails receive more snow.

Kettle Moraine State Forest, Pike Lake Unit – Cross-country ski trails are in poor condition. Bare spots have developed and the little remaining base is very icy. We will not be able to groom trails again until we get more snow.

Kettle Moraine State Forest, Southern Unit – Warm temperatures, rain and wind have taken the snow cover on the Southern Unit ski trails. The trails are not skiable at this point and will require snowfall before they can be used.

Kohler-Andrae State Park - Most of the snow on cross-country ski trails melted last week exposing large grassy areas. The remaining areas are very icy. The hiking and nature trails may be snow covered or icy. Hikers, snowshoe users, and dog walkers are reminded to not walk on the groomed ski trail. Please use other use areas. An immature bald eagle has been frequenting the area. Visitors are enjoying watching turkeys and deer.

Lake Michigan fisheries team report

Racine County - Fishing effort over this past New Years Eve day was considerable higher compared to the last few weeks. The warmer weather and recent rains in combination with a holiday really pulled a lot of anglers outside. Fishing pressure was evenly spread out on the Root River from the dam downstream through the upper half of Lincoln Park. Water temperature was still holding around 33-34 degrees Fahrenheit. Water clarity had significantly decreased compared to Wednesday. Many anglers were fishing Lincoln Park for the early morning bite. Anglers were focusing downstream from weir's refuge all the way downstream to the walking bridges. Most anglers were drifting spawn sacs or artificial baits on a bobber while a few others were using wet flies. Catches of brown trout were limited to only a couple of harvested fish. The browns caught ranged from 2 to 6 pounds. A few anglers in Colonial Park had a slow day of fishing. They covered a lot of area in the park but were unsuccessful in landing any trout. They reported spooking a few browns out of the holes while working their way downstream. The Horlick dam and downstream through Quarry Lake Park felt steady fishing pressure all day. One fly fisher concentrating tight to the dam mid afternoon landed a nice spawning female brown trout that weighted 6.5 pounds. Another angler that covered a lot of water between Quarry Lake Park and downstream through the Racine Country Club caught a big steelhead that weighed 8 pounds. It was caught on a small tube jig tipped with a wax worm.

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Dodgeville DNR Service Center area

Blue Mound State Park – Willow Springs and Flintrock cross-country ski trails were regroomed Jan. 5 for skate skiing. There is still 100 percent coverage, with some icy stretches that are slowly expanding. Overall conditions are fair to good. The rest of the trails are not being groomed at this time. The Ridgeview and Pleasure Valley trails could be skied with rock skis, but there are some spots on the Pleasure Valley loop where skiers would have to take off skis and walk.

Horicon DNR Service Center area

Dodge County – As of Sunday, January 2, the ATV Trail along the Wild Goose Trail has been reopened. Trail information is available at

Fitchburg DNR Service Center area

Lake Kegonsa State Park - The cross country ski trails are currently not skiable. The Candlelight Ski scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 8 has been cancelled due to poor snow conditions. The next event is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 12.

Mirror Lake State Park - Cross-country ski trails are in good to fair condition with a 2 to 6 inch base with a few scattered thin spots and more than the normal amount of leaves, needles and small twigs on the trail from the high wind after the warm up. Trail conditions are expected to improve as more light snow is predicted later this week. Trails are groomed, but no tracks have been set as we are waiting for the snow to end. Trails are groomed for skate and classical skiing. Remember, pets and hiking on groomed ski trails is prohibited. Trails open for snowshoeing and hiking include Echo Rock, Lake View, Sandstone and Wild Rice. There will be a candlelight ski/hike/snowshoe event this Saturday, Jan. 8.

Janesvill DNR Service Center area

Rock County - Snowmobile trails closed after the warm weather last week caused most of the snow to melt. Ice conditions deteriorated some with the warm up, but cold weather and lack of snow insulating the ice should help it thicken quickly. Anglers should watch out for ice heaves on Lake Koshkonong, especially around Thiebeau Point. Fishing has been extremely slow on Lake Koshkonong. Anglers have been catching undersized northern pike on Storr's Lake as well as a few decent bluegill and crappie. Deer hunting remains open through this Sunday, so all hunters need to remember to wear at least 50 percent blaze orange above the waist while hunting.

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Baldwin DNR Service Center area

Snowmobile trails were closed during the recent thaw, but have reopened in most counties. Trails are icy with a thin light snow covering now. The thaw /rain and refreeze has improved access to most lakes for ice fishing. Panfish action has been good on most waters including, Cedar lake, Squaw Lake, Menomin, Little Falls, Lake George and Nugget Lake. Access is best by walking or ATV, as ice is still poor in many areas. Boats were out on the Mississippi River near Redwing during the thaw and a few walleye and sauger were providing action, but the sauger were running small. The only access open now is at Evert's Resort in Hager City.

Willow River State Park - Recovery! It took a while but all cross-country ski trails have been groomed and tracked as needed for skiers or multiple use. The big snow early has paid off by providing enough base to survive rain and restore excellent skiing conditions. The ski trails have a few narrow places. There are a number of off trail snow shoe tracks including one that heads into the area above the sled hill. Ice fishing continues with slower action on panfish. Candlelight Ski and Hike is on Saturday, Feb. 12; more to come as the date draws nearer.

La Crosse DNR Service Center area

Great horned owls are calling vigorously, and their nighttime calls may be heard over great distances. Owls are territorial, and one of the primary reasons that owls call is to verbally defend their territories from other owls of their own kind. Great horned owls will continue calling well into February. On still nights, listen for the deep WHOO, WHOO-WHOO, WHOO-WHOO, WHOO call of the male. Often the female mate, which is about one third larger than the male, will reply in a higher pitched WHOO, WHOO-WHOO-WHOO, WHOO-OO, WHOO-OO. The great horned owl is probably the most widely distributed breeding bird in North America, and it also occurs well south through Central America and into South America. These owls rarely build their own nests. Instead they usually occupy nests formerly constructed by crows, Cooper's hawks, red-tailed hawks, red-shouldered hawks, or squirrels. Egg laying typically takes place from late January through mid-February, and owlets are born about a month later.

Wildcat Mountain State Park - The New Year’s meltdown and then refreeze had made cross-country ski trails icy. Crews scarified the skating lane making for fair ski skating. The park received 1.5 inches of new snow Wednesday over a base of 6 to 10 inches. With additional light snow still expected. Crews have groomed but not tracked the cross-country ski trails. The Torch light Ski/snow shoe will be held this Saturday, Jan 8. The 1.5 mile torchlight trail will be groomed for the event.

Black River Falls DNR Service Center area

Black River State Forest - Effective Jan. 4, all snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle trails are closed due to dangerous icy conditions. Last weeks warm-up melted much of the snow on the trails and created standing water areas. This was followed by a quick cold freeze resulting in these conditions. Once the area gets additional snow of at least 5-6 inches crews will groom and assess the conditions again. Last weeks warm-up followed by the cold affected the ski trails also. What is left on the trail is a very hard snow and ice pack of about 4 inches. Crews went over the trail system Jan. 3 with the groomer but this did little good. We do not recommend skiing at this time due to the icy conditions.

Eau Claire DNR Service Center area

Brunet Island State Park – The cross country ski trail system has a very nice base on the trails. The track is in good shape, but with the rainy conditions last week, they are somewhat icy. Panfish action has been good in the north campground bays. Anglers are reporting generally good ice conditions in the backwater areas. The park does not monitor ice conditions. The Cornell flowage water levels fluctuate throughout the year and we urge caution when venturing onto the ice. Vehicle passes are required year round. Species of birds seen or heard include: ravens, black capped chickadees, northern juncos, piliated and red headed woodpeckers, great horned owls, barred owls, and bald eagles.

Last Revised: Thursday January 06 2011