A guy at work has one of these in 44 mag, nice looking gun, I made a holster for it for him.
While I was giving it the once over I noticed with the hammer cocked if you grabbed the cylinder you could
rotate it out of the timing notch, so I popped it open and the (can't remember what its called) piece that
pops up into the notch on the cylinder had very little spring pressure to it, I can hardly move the one on my
S&W, the one on this Taurus was easily pushed down with a fingertip. I asked the guy about it he said it had always been like that since new. It always locks into the notch, but doesn't take much to bump it out in the one
direction. Is this a normal Taurus thing? I didn't take it apart to see how the spring was set up, because it wasn't
mine and he wasn't worried about it. I guess I can't think of a reason why the cylinder would get bumped with the
hammer cocked, but it would always worry me if it was mine.