Author Topic: Wisconsin Outdoor Report January 20, 2011  (Read 383 times)

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Wisconsin Outdoor Report January 20, 2011
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:07:14 PM »
Snow has fallen across the entire state in the last week, greatly improving winter recreation conditions. Snow depths now range from a low of 4 to 6 inches in the south, to more than 18 inches in the north. Snowmobile trails have reopened across most of Wisconsin, with conditions ranging from excellent in the north, to fair to good in the south, according to the Department of Tourism Snow Conditions Report (exit DNR).

Most state parks and forests report cross-country ski trails have been groomed, with some trails in the south and east able to set track for classical skiing for the first time this season. Cross-country ski trails range from excellent in the north to good in the southeast.

Some very frigid temperatures are in the forecast for later this week and into the weekend. The National Weather Service has issued a wind chill advisory through Friday, with wind chills from 25 to 40 below zero expected. People venturing out this weekend should be prepared with adequate clothing to cover all exposed skin.

Ice conditions are good on nearly all lakes across the state, with ice depths holding in the 12 to 15-inch range. In the north, ice fishing success sis approaching mid-winter lows and action has become more sporadic than in the past several weeks. Walleye success has continued its erratic trend with a few anglers reporting some decent catches in the 12- to 16-inch size, with a few in the low 20-inch range landed. Panfish have provided more consistent action, though it has slowed up a bit in the last week with perch and bluegill easier to find than crappie. Northern pike success has been fair. Panfish and northern pike have also been providing the best action on southern waters.

Ice conditions continue to improve on Green Bay with the cold weather. Door County anglers have been fishing perch and whitefish with some success. Perch fishing slowed on the west side of the bay at Oconto, but the Menominee River at Marinette has been a hot spot for walleye, panfish and the occasional whitefish.

The Mississippi River had been holding just over the 10 foot mark at Prairie du Chien for several weeks, but has dipped below that mark this week. Many backwater sloughs have moderate to strong current flowing under the ice, which can create rapidly changing conditions. The Wisconsin River was also falling and creating dangerous conditions in some areas where there is an “air gap” between the ice and the water below. Generally speaking ice conditions remain pretty good with ice thickness averaging around 14 to 16 inches in the backwaters of both rivers. Ice fishing has been pretty good at times, with nice sized bluegills being caught in some areas, but northern pike action spotty.

With the frequent light snowfalls the fresh tracks of numerous animals are being seen. Bobcat, wolf, coyote, otter, fox and fishers all active and leaving tracks lately. Mid-January marks the onset of coyote and red fox breeding cycles. Cold, crisp winter nights afford opportunities to listen for the raspy barks of red fox or the high pitched yipping of coyotes.

Winter bird patterns have settled in across the state. It seems to be an average winter finch year across the north, with decent numbers of redpolls and pine grosbeaks and good numbers of bohemian waxwings reported. Pileated, downy and hairy woodpeckers are being found through woodlands, with the large rectangular holes made by the pileated making it easy to spot where one has been working. Buffleheads, common mergansers and golden eyes have still been seen along Lake Michigan. Good numbers of bald eagles continue to be seen along the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers, and some golden eagles have been seen in the Driftless Area.

A three-minute audio version of this report can be heard by calling (608) 266 2277.

A new report is put on the line each week.


Statewide Birding Report
Winter bird patterns have settled in across the state. It seems to be an average winter finch year across the north. Decent numbers of redpolls and pine grosbeaks and good numbers of bohemian waxwings. There are a number of reliable rare birds being seen across the state. The Duluth/Superior area has some good gulls including a slaty-backed gull that is seen off and on and the landfill. A varied thrush is coming to a feeder in Dunn County. Birders are reliably spotting a male barrow's goldeneye, female harlequin duck and female white-winged scoter in Sheboygan. Birders in the Driftless Area are having some success finding golden eagles on sunny winter days in the early afternoons. As always check Wisconsin eBird [] (exit DNR) for more sightings and please report sightings to help better track bird populations.

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Superior DNR Service Center area

Brule River State Forest - Ski conditions on the Afterhours trail in Brule are excellent. With the frequent light snowfalls, skiers can be certain that the numerous animal tracks that they are seeing are fresh. Bobcat, wolf, coyote, and fisher are just a few tracks sighted lately. Most bucks are reported to have shed their antlers. Many bucks began shedding their antlers in mid December, which is earlier than usual. Stress is one of the triggers that start antler shedding. The cold weather and snow accumulation last December are both considered stresses for deer. Bears should be giving birth to their cubs in their dens now. Bears are not true hibernators, they slow down their metabolism and sleep heavily, waking up periodically to care for their cubs. For more information on see the black bears page of the Wisconsin DNR EEK website.

Pattison State Park - Cross-country ski trails were groomed Jan. 18 and are in good condition. Snow depth is currently about 18 inches.

Ashland DNR Service Center area

Copper Falls State Park - All cross-country ski trails are open and in excellent condition. The trails were groomed and tracked Jan. 17 and have over a 12 inch base. New to Copper Falls this year is the addition of an 8-km skate loop bringing a total of 10.5 km of skate trails to Copper Falls. One can access the skate loop from either the office parking lot or the ski trail parking lot near the north campground. The Friends of Copper Falls State Park, Inc. have assisted with trail development and we are quite excited as we anticipate good use of the trail. In addition to the 10.5 km of skating trail, which is also tracked for classical, we also groom another 11.4 km for classical skiing bringing our total classical trail distance to 21.9 km. A new multi-purpose trail (1 km) has also been established allowing people access to Copper and Brownstone Falls regardless of their preferred way to navigate the snow. The trail will be groomed for use by people on snow shoes and walkers. Follow the Copper Falls Winter Access Sign for parking and Trailhead. In addition to this mutli-use trail, the Red Granite Falls Trail ( 4.0 km) also continues to be used as multi-use trail Campsites 1-6 are plowed and ready for those wishing to winter camp.

Spooner DNR Service Center area

Trails have a fair amount of snowfall over the recent icy conditions. Grooming was started at the Washburn County Nordic Woods ski trail Jan. 17, but due to equipment breakdown, trails will not be groomed until later in the week.

Tuscobia State Trail - The trail is in good snowmobiling condition with on-going grooming.

Cumberland DNR Service Center area

Interstate Park - All winter recreation trails open. The Skyline Cross-Country Ski Trail is groomed and in very good condition. The family campgrounds are closed but the Pines Group Camp is open for winter camping.

Park Falls DNR Service Center area

Upper Chippewa Basin fisheries report (Price, Rusk, Sawyer Taylor and inland Ashland and Iron counties) - Ice conditions are good on nearly all lakes across the Northwoods and ice depths have been holding in the 12 to 15-inch range. After several light snowfalls last week, there is now about 6 to 8 inches of light grainy snow on top of the ice and this has made travel a bit difficult for two-wheel drive vehicles and some ATVs. Snowmobiles and 4WD vehicles are still accessing most areas of the lakes and slush has not been reported to be a problem on any of the waters yet. Ice fishing success seems to be approaching its mid-winter lows and action has become more sporadic than in the past several weeks. In addition, there have been some lakes that are experiencing very poor fishing success while others are having some consistent and good action. As such, it is advised that anglers check with local bait shops to find where the hot spots are and target their effort on those lakes. Walleye success has continued its erratic trend across the area with some anglers reporting good success and others complaining about coming home skunked! On several lakes, it seems to be a real finicky bite for walleye this season – that the fish are in a particular habitat (mud/sand flats), at a specific depth (5 to 8 feet), feeding for a short period of time (about 20 minutes, and an hour before dark) and hitting a certain size bait (large fathead or small sucker minnow). A few anglers have been reporting some decent catches of walleye in the 12- to 16-inch size, with a few in the low 20-inch range also being landed. Panfish have provided a bit more consistent action, though it has slowed up a bit in the last week. Some nice catches of perch and bluegill have been made, with crappie being a bit tougher to find. The perch have been hitting small fathead minnows in 5 to 10 feet of water, and the bluegill have been biting on waxworms suspended just off the bottom in 10 to 15 feet of water. Northern pike success has been fair, with some decent action during the mid-day hours on golden shiners or large suckers near any old weed beds. One side note - many of the shallow and weedy pike lakes are starting to see lower oxygen levels down near the bottom. The northerns will still be active but anglers may need to move their bait closer to the surface where oxygen levels are often higher. In addition, aeration systems have been operating on many lakes and recreationalists should steer clear of the barricaded areas around these open-water spots.

Flambeau River State Forest - Flambeau Hills cross-country ski trail conditions are very good in the south trails, and loops, which were groomed and tracked Jan. 18 and are in very good condition. Snuss trail and adjoining North Loop are not groomed.

Woodruff DNR Service Center area

Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest - Cross-country ski trails have all been groomed and are in very good condition. Escanaba was groomed and tracked Jan. 17. Firm full track virtually no debris in track and more cold dry snows expected. Madeline trail groomed and tracked Jan. 15. Raven groomed and tracked Jan. 18. McNaughton Trail skaters loop groomed and all other loops tracked Jan. 15. A section of the Skaters loop from the parking lot to the first intersection is closed due to logging. An alternate parking area at the McNaughton boat landing will be kept open for this reason.

Antigo DNR Service Center area

/b>Council Grounds State Park – Cross-country ski trails are groomed, tracked and in excellent condition. The campgrounds are closed for the season. The Merrill Ice Drags will be hosting drags on Lake Alexander Jan. 22 and 29.

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Peshtigo DNR Service Center area

Ice conditions continue to improve with the cold weather and even though it has snowed frequently, travel on the ice in most places has not been impeded. Extreme care should always be exercised when traveling on the ice.

Marinette County - The 6th Street Slip has been the hot spot on the Menominee River for walleye, panfish and the occasional whitefish for anglers jigging Rap's tipped with minnows for walleye and jigging minnows and grubs for panfish. Ice conditions up to this point has made fishing by the Hattie Street Dam difficult, reports of fishing activity in this area are sparse.

Oconto County - Perch fishing at the Oconto Breakwater has slowed some as has the whitefish bite. Most anglers are fishing in the area of the Oconto River mouth jigging with minnows for both species. Pike anglers are still plentiful from Oconto Breakwater north to the mouth of the Peshtigo. Dead smelt in the round and shiner minnows fished in the 4 to 12 feet of water is working best.

Governor Thompson State Park - Cross-country ski trails were groomed and tracked Jan. 18 and conditions are very good. Expect some drifting in the open areas.

Green Bay DNR Service Center area

Brown County - Anglers in tents are plying their trade for walleye off Voyageur Park in 8 to 10 feet of water using jig and minnow. Sunset Beach has seen some perch activity last week. Anglers are reporting many small fish but those who put their time in are catching 8 to 10 inch perch. Jig and minnow are the baits of choice.

Point Beach State Forest - The cross-country ski trails at Point Beach are in the best condition since the storm in mid December. Four inches of new snow on Monday allowed track to be set for the first time this season. Classic tracked trails are in very good condition. Skate lanes are groomed and a little soft now but should firm up well in a day or two. Point Beach offers 11 miles of classic skiing through pine and hemlock forest and 3.5 miles of skate skiing. For more information, call the Forest office at (920) 794-7480.

Sturgeon Bay DNR Service Center area

Door County - Sturgeon Bay anglers have been fishing perch and whitefish off Stone Quarry with some success. Anglers have been using jigging spoons in gold or green in color. Anglers that have been venturing from the state park have been finding some perch. They have been targeting the remnant weeds for best action. Also good numbers of anglers have been fishing in front of Bullhead Point and have had success on perch. At the yacht club anglers have been targeting pike and pinfish with limited success. Little Sturgeon Bay anglers have been finding good numbers of whitefish from Henderson’s Point to Lime Kiln road. Also anglers have had some success on perch inside the schools of whitefish. Anglers have been fishing Sand Bay for walleye and white fish; the white fish activity has been constant with occasional walleyes mixed in. At Chaudoir’s Dock, perch were being caught in 30 feet of water. Anglers are not finding many but the ones that are being caught are big. Those after whitefish are also finding some good success. Dykesville anglers were finding good numbers of perch, but the biggest key to success has been staying on the move. Most anglers are moving several times throughout the day to stay on active fish. Also good numbers of white fish are being caught as well however staying outside the many group of anglers to find less pressured fish is important.

Peninsula State Park – This past weekend the park received a little more than 6 inches of light fluffy snow that was just enough to open up the trails for winter sports. Cross-Country Ski Trails have all been groomed and tracked are in good condition with just a few thin spots. State trail passes are required for all skiers age 16 and older. Sledding/tubing hill is open. Snowmobile trails are open.

Potawatomi State Park - With ski trails last groomed on Tuesday, Jan. 18, the volunteer groomer reports skate and stride lanes are in good condition. Snowmobile trails are now open in the park and all of Door County. Ice shanties are scattered on the ice of Sturgeon Bay and Sawyer Harbor, despite recent Coast Guard ice breaker activity in the area to get large vessels into Bay Shipbuilding for winter repairs. Anglers have had some luck catching perch in the area. A couple of eagles have been perched in trees near the park entrance recently.

Whitefish Dunes State Park - With the new fallen snow, the volunteer groomer has returned to roll and track the trails. The red, yellow and green trails have been rolled and tracked. The trails are listed in fair to good condition with some shallow spots. The annual candlelight ski is Jan. 29. Volunteers are still needed for inside and outside tasks. Current snowshoe trail conditions are that snowshoes are not needed due to compacted snow. The Black Trail and beach are open to hikers and snowshoers. There is no hiking or snowshoeing allowed on or next to any ski trail (Red, Yellow or Green). The Brachiopod trail does not make a continuous loop during the ski season; those wishing to see the wetland are asked to return on the Black trail. There is no hiking or snowshoeing on the side of the ski trail. Woodpeckers of many varieties have made their appearance at the park. Pileated Woodpeckers have been seen by Brachiopod trail stop #3. Their large rectangular holes make it easy to spot where one has been working. Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers are found through the woods. A flock of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers was sighted further along the black trail. Out on the water buffleheads, common mergansers and golden eyes have been sighted. The local bald eagle hangs out on the large pines between the shelter building and nature center.

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Kettle Moraine State Forest - Lapham Peak Unit – The area received about 5 inches of snow Monday and Monday night. All the cross-country ski trails were packed and a track was set Tuesday morning. Everything was a little soft as of Tuesday morning, but will firm up as temps drop. This Saturday is the Lapham Peak Friends Lapham Loppet race event. Events include a kids "Chase the Flying Squirrel" race, a grade school, middle school and southeastern Wisconsin conference high school meet as well as an 11 K adult race. The lighted trails are open Monday through Saturday nights until 10 p.m. Ski rentals available Tuesday and Wednesday nights as well as the weekends. Free lessons available on Tuesday nights at 7 pm and a weekly ski race is held Wednesday nights for school age as well as adults.

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit - This past weekend brought several inches of new snow. The Greenbush trails have all been groomed and tracked, and Zillmer was groomed and tracked Jan. 18. Conditions should be excellent once the grooming sets after the cold snap tonight. All snowmobile trails in the forest are open.

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Pike Lake Unit - Cross country ski trails were groomed and tracked on Jan. 18 and are in good condition. Snow base coverage is varies in spots from 1 to 3 inches. The non groomed multiuse winter hiking/snowshoeing/cross country skiing trails are also in good condition with full snow coverage ranging from 1 to 4 inches. Call 262-670-3400 for the most current trail conditions. Trail passes are not required for cross country skiers at Pike Lake this winter. When trails are snow covered hikers, snowshoers, and dogs are not allowed on trails east of Powder Hill Road (groomed ski trails). Pets are not allowed on the Black Forest Nature Trail and must be on a leash 8' or less at all times in other areas.

Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit - The area received roughly 6 inches of new snow on Jan. 17. Nordic cross-country ski trail has been completely groomed with a skating lane and classical track set. Conditions are very good although the snow is a little soft. Scuppernong has been completely groomed with a double classical track and is in very good skiing condition. McMiller has been packed. Finish grooming will be completed Tuesday morning with a skating lane and classical track. Conditions should be very good when grooming is completed.

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Dodgeville DNR Service Center area

Area anglers have reported crappie fishing picking up on Twin Valley and Cox Hollow Lakes. Crappies have been hitting on crappie minnows in deeper water, while walleye have been caught vertical jigging with artificial minnows. Ice conditions on area lakes are very favorable. There has been an increase of motorized vehicles on area waters; caution is still advised as there are areas of thin ice and open water near natural springs, and river sloughs

Lafayette County - During the snow event this past Monday, a few brave (it was snowing hard and visibility was near zero for awhile) ice anglers caught some very nice sized crappie using wax worms on Yellowstone Lake. Ice anglers were catching northern pike in the Pecatonica River in Argyle. That snow event on Monday caused the Snowmobile trail (Tri-County Trail) to open in Iowa, Lafayette, and Green County. For up to date trail information, go to

Blue Mound State Park - All cross-country ski trails were groomed and new classic track set in morning hours of Jan. 18. There is 100 percent coverage; very good classic conditions, however track not its' usual rock hard self due to copious amounts of snow and mild night temps so please no skating. Fog was rolling in and hoarfrost will likely blanket the Mound in the morning.

Wyalusing State Park - Wyalusing State Park received about 5 inches of fresh snow on Monday, January 17. Ski trails are in excellent condition. The volunteer groomer reports that the ski trails are about the best that he has seen them in years. This winter we have received ample snowfall and cold weather to keep the trails snow-covered. The purchase of a like-new snowmobile and trail groomer certainly has a positive affect on the condition of the ski trails. Trails open for cross country skiing are Turkey Hollow, White Tail Meadows, Mississippi Ridge and Cathedral Tree Drive. As of Jan. 20, Mississippi Ridge has not been groomed or tracked. The remaining trails have been tracked for traditional skiing and groomed for skate skiing. Sentinel Ridge and Sand Cave Trails and Sugar Maple Nature Trail are popular with people wishing to snowshoe. Sentinel Ridge affords a beautiful view of the Mississippi River 500 feet below. People have been fishing off the backwaters of the Mississippi River at the park boat landing. Park bird feeders have been a popular place for the winter resident birds. The backdrop of snow with a sprinkling of beautiful red cardinals provides the perfect setting for a winter postcard. Other birds taking advantage of the bird feeders include: blue jays, juncos, chickadees, nuthatches, red-bellied woodpeckers, purple finches, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers and gold finches. A sharp-shinned hawk has been frequenting the park office feeders on a regular basis. There are a number of places in the area where bald eagles can be found. A popular place for eagle watching is just north of Prairie du Chien at the intersection of Hwy. 27 and County Hwy. N. A local, commercial fishers spread the waste from the fish on a farm field on the east side of Hwy. 27. At times, as many as 50 or more eagles can be sighted along the highway.

Horicon DNR Service Center area

Dodge County - Snowmobile trails are open. Snowmobilers are reminded to call the Dodge County trail hotline numbers prior to going out each day at 920-386-3705. Coyote and fox hunters are having good success locating their quarry with the fresh snow. Coyotes and fox are beginning to pair up for the mating season.

Fitchburg DNR Service Center area

Dane County - Ice fishing on area lakes has been slow, with few game fish being caught. There has been a decent pan fish bite in Squaw Bay on Lake Monona producing a few limits. Conditions have been good for area hunters using dogs for coyotes. Recent snowfall has opened up all Dane County snowmobile trails. For up to date Dane County snowmobile trail conditions contact Dane County Parks at (608)242-4576.

Jefferson County – Fishing success is fair on the northern Jefferson County lakes. Northern pike have been biting the best but many are undersized on Rock Lake. Shiners are the preferred bait. The Jefferson County snowmobile trails are open. Snowmobilers are reminded to call the county trail hotline numbers prior to going out each day. The number for Jefferson County is 920-699-7669. A couple snowmobiles have sunk recently on the Crawfish River at Milford trying to skip about 100 yards of open water.

Devil’s Lake State Park - Cross-country ski trails have been groomed after the recent snow and are in good to excellent condition. Hiking trails are snow-covered and icy. They are not officially closed to use, but the park cannot maintain the trails for safe winter use. You may walk the trails if you choose to, at your own risk. Hikers, pets, and snowshoers are not allowed to travel on the cross-country ski trails. The Nature Center is open six days a week (closed Sunday), now through the end of March, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Governor Nelson State Park - All cross-country ski trails were groomed and classic tracks have been set Jan. 18. There are a few minor grass shouts and bare spots in the classic lane on the Morningside Trail and a bare spot on the Oak Savanna Trail on the hill top, but otherwise conditions were generally good.

Lake Kegonsa State Park - All cross country ski trails are in good condition and were last groomed and tracked on Tuesday, Jan. 18. Snowshoeing, hiking and pets are prohibited on all designated ski trails.

Janesville DNR Service Center area

Rock County - Snowmobile trails are open with the additional 6 inches of snow that fell over most of the county on Monday. Trails were still being groomed. Fishing remains slow around Rock County. Lake Koshkonong was producing an occasional walleye and northern pike, but very few keeper sized fish. Ice conditions continue to change on Lake Koshkonong with some areas getting thicker, while other spots are deteriorating. Areas near springs and seams continue to be problematic and several vehicles have reportedly broke through in these locations. The recent snowfall may make it difficult to see some of these dangerous spots. Storr's Lake ice is up to 15 inches thick and vehicles are being driven over most of the lake. Anglers are reminded to stay away from areas where there are cattails because of thin ice near the vegetation. Northern pike continue to be the most popular fish caught on Storr's, but some perch, bluegill, and crappie are also being caught by jig pole. Bald eagles are starting to be common on the Rock River in the winter. Numerous eagles have been feeding near the open water where Rock River meets Lake Koshkonong. Last year around this time anglers fishing open water near the Beloit dam and the Beloit post office were catching limits of catfish. Great snow for rabbit hunting.

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Baldwin DNR Service Center area

Snowmobile and ski trail conditions are very good in all areas. Lake Ice conditions have improved and access is pretty good. Panfish action has been good on Bass, Cedar, Squaw and Baldwin Pine lakes in St Croix County, Nugget Lake in Pierce County and Menomin in Dunn County. Fishing on the Mississippi River has been slow and cold weather has made boat angling more difficult. Deep snow and ice has made things tough on wildlife. People need to be aware of this and try to limit their contacts by avoiding running dogs to train on pheasants and keeping their dogs confined so they don't chase deer and other wildlife. These activities add extra stress and cause wildlife to burn more energy.

Willow River State Park – Cross-country ski trails were groomed and tracked Jan. 18 following more blow than snow. This work should hold up well and into the weekend with colder weather and weekday usage has been light. Snow was falling Jan. 20. There were some reports of drifting on various prairie loops and big wind is predicted with the cold temperatures. None of the groomers are talking about any work till after the cold snap comes and goes. Sheltered trails are scarce here due to the lake and the prairie. Hikers have the old lake bed to cross coming in from River Road with 300 yards of direct exposure to the wind from any direction. Hidden Ponds can be somewhat out of the wind for multiple use. Hikers will also avoid most north wind by taking the Gray trail down the big hill to the falls. Hiking the park road is an option some of the dog walkers use on weekdays. The road can have a lot of traffic on weekends. Shelter from the wind would be uneven. For skiers, here's the rundown on sheltered areas. The Purple trail (all loops) will catch the least wind. The Brown is also sheltered but that is a one way down hill. Its generally fast down hills. Leaving the Brown trail, you have to face the wind off the lake to reach a ski trail going back up. Going up the Brown (the wrong way) is a recipe for disaster. The Red main stem has a short stretch of full exposure, perhaps 100 yards or so. The campground loop (Green) away from the lake can be tolerable on cold days but the sheltered area is limited. The Blue has direct exposure to the lake once you leave the campground for about half a kilometer. That includes a normally fast downhill. Skiing the yellow out and back from the Group Camp has some open area and it does follow the tree line, but some of it runs north-south. The downhill through the pines is worthy of the "Most Difficult" rating the trail carries in most circumstances. The Orange has a stretch of one way north on the prairie. That Orange stretch and the beach to the hill stretch on the Green are the coldest parts of the system in this skiers opinion. Pick up a Winter Trails map at the park office (or look at it on line) and check the difficulty ratings of the ski trails mentioned vs. your skill level. Keep in mind that conditions do change and difficulty ratings are general guidelines only. Falling and un groomed snow generally slows down the classic track and the skate deck. A lot of use speeds up both. Cold and dry can send the classic track in either direction. Candlelight Ski and Hike is coming Saturday, February 12. Art Doyle will be back serving up goodies in the Nature Center. We'll have two bonfires, one at the Nature Center and one at the boat launch. Please, no pets, sleds, or snowshoes for this event. The sled hill is in good shape for fast rides. Snow shoers have broken their own trails around the park. There is a skied in classic track loop at the beach. This was skied in on a flat area as a training loop for the 5 year olds in the kids skiing class on Sundays. That loop could use a little traffic to pack the snow that has blown in. It takes a few minutes to ski the figure 8. Enter the loop near the long grass just before the hill. Your touring skis will work just fine in there. Race skis might be a little too narrow. Its slow going. Poles with big baskets will help in the loose snow. Ski carefully to maintain a neat track for the kids.

La Crosse DNR Service Center area

Mid-January generally announces the onset of coyote and red fox breeding cycles. These two members of the dog family have one annual estrus cycle and breed between January and March. Cold, crisp winter nights afford opportunities to listen for the raspy barks of red fox or the high pitched yipping of coyotes. Pups of both species are born in early spring. Because of interspecies competition, red foxes generally avoid raising pups in areas where coyotes have established territories.

Wildcat Mountain State Park - Following 4 to 5 inches of new snow, the cross-country ski trails have been groomed and tracked. Conditions for classical and skate skiing are great. Snowshoe trail is in great condition. A two mile loop from the park office/shop is marked - this trail is a popular destination. Winter camping is available - no electricity. Access to Family Camp sites 1-4 are plowed out, the other sites would be hike-in this time of year.

Crawford County - As of Jan. 19 snowmobile trails were open and in fair condition. For current snowmobile trail conditions please check or call the Land Conservation Department at 608-326-0270. The Mississippi River has been holding just over the 10 foot mark for some time now. Early this week the river dipped below that mark and is currently at 9.94 feet. The Wisconsin River is falling and creating dangerous conditions in some areas. In many areas on the Wisconsin there is an “air gap” between the ice and the water below. This phenomenon exists mainly in the timbered lowlands. Ice conditions remain pretty good even though caution must be used when traveling on the ice. With the Mississippi River being unusually high for early winter many back water sloughs have moderate to strong current flowing under the ice. The current can create rapidly changing conditions. Generally speaking ice conditions are pretty good with ice thickness averaging around 14 to 16 inches in the backwaters of the Mississippi River and Wisconsin River. Access to most ice fishing locations is much better now that cold weather froze the “sloppy” spots and the river levels have stabilized. Ice fishing has been pretty good at times. In the Prairie du Chien area nice sized bluegills were being caught on Gremore Lake along with a few really nice perch. Action seems to be better near the end of the day. Ice conditions on Gremore Lake are pretty good with more than 16 inches of foot. Crappie action in Gremore has been slow. Anglers have been venturing across the Ambro Slough to Tilmont Lake. Most anglers were using the DNR boat landing on Ambro Road. The USFWS boat landing was being used to access the upper portions of the Ambro Complex, however Mill Coulee Creek enters there and creates dangerous ice conditions. Caution must be used in this area. This past week Mud Slough has been slow as there appears to be some current flowing through it. Tilmont Lake has produced a few nice bluegills and a few perch however it is kind of spotty. Those venturing out to Tilmont Lake should use caution as they cross over the Ambro and Black Sloughs as current exists under the ice. Anglers have been venturing up to the Upper Doubles and Big Missouri. Action there has been spotting with a few nice crappie and bluegill being taken. Fish Lake has produced a few nice bluegills. Little Missouri has been slow. Spring Lake and the Fennimore Cut have been slow. There is current entering the upper end of Spring Lake and flowing out through the Fennimore Cut. Action there has been very spotty. Some anglers are fishing in the back waters of Spring Lake and finding some bluegill action. Sturgeon Slough has been very slow primarily due to the high water. Current is flowing through that area which causes bluegills and crappie to avoid that area. Some anglers have ventured south to McGregor Lake. Action on McGregor Lake has been pretty good. Reports of bluegill and a few perch and crappie have been reported. Cold Spring has been slow this week. The best access to Cold Spring is from the handicapped parking area on the south end. The boat landing access is a bit tricky as open water still exists there. Open water shore fishing at the boat landing has been very slow. Most successful anglers fishing for bluegill, crappie or perch are finding live bait has worked better than plain artificial baits. Try tipping ice fishing jigs with a waxworm or spike. Red, moon-glow, yellow or a combination of those colors have been good. Largemouth bass action slowed some this week. Most bluegill anglers report catching many bass incidental to their primary target. Some anglers are setting tip-ups in Gremore, Tilmont, the Upper Doubles and Cold Spring and are having limited success. Anglers are reminded that while fishing on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River boundary waters only three (3) hooks, baits or lures can be used. No report on small mouth bass action. Open water exists below the Lynxville dam due to the high water. No report available. Northern pike action has been spotty. Bald eagles have been moving inland in search of food. Some eagles are still hanging around open water on the Mississippi, Wisconsin and Kickapoo rivers. Song birds are actively coming to bird feeders and bird baths. Please keep bird feeders clean and full of food. Rabbit, squirrel and coyote hunters are finding hunting conditions pretty good. Coyote hunters are looking for some clear skies at night for better hunting conditions.

Black River Falls DNR Service Center area

Black River State Forest - Over the past few weeks the area has received several small snowfalls that have resulted in good conditions for snowmobiling. The trails were groomed Jan. 18 and 19, and should be in great conditions for sledding. When trails are open we ask ATVs to stay off the trail whenever the temperatures are 32 degrees or above. This protects the base for future use. Cross-country ski trails were also groomed Jan. 18 and 19, and should be in very good condition for skating and traditional skiing. . Skiers will notice that there has been a fair amount of timber sale activity along the trails this year. The annual candlelight ski will be held Saturday, Feb. 5, from 6 to 9 p.m. The event is held at the Smrekar Warming shelter and includes a luminary-lit 1.5-mile trail. The Trail Foundation will also be offering an instructional day before the candlelight ski on February 5 from Noon to 3 p.m. that day. Snowshoers are welcome to enjoy their sport on any ungroomed trail in the state forest. We recommend people try either the nature trail at Castle Mound Campground, a two mile circular loop, or the five mile trail from Pigeon Creek to Smrekar road.

Eau Claire DNR Service Center area

Lake Wissota State Park – Cross-country ski trails are in good condition. From October through April campsites are available on a walk-in basis. The water and shower buildings have been shut down in the campground for the season, but water, is available at the shop building and a hand pump in the picnic area across the road from the ball field. Pit toilets in the campground are open year-round.

Red Cedar State Trail - Cross-country ski trails have been groomed and tracked and are in good shape. Volunteer groomers have been out working on grooming and tracking the new snowfall. The ice wall formations along the trail have really taken shape just south of the trail head in Menomonie.

Hoffman Hills State Recreation Area – Cross-country ski trails have been groomed and tracked and are in good shape.

Wisconsin Rapids DNR Service Center area

Buckhorn State Park - As of Wednesday morning, Jan. 19, cross-country ski trails were packed, tracked and are in excellent condition. Walking on trails when groomed is not allowed. Snowshoers must stay off to the side of trails and not on the groomed trails. Two bald eagles flew over the nature trail by the lake while the groomer was working on trails. A few campsites are open for winter camping. Drinking water is available at the park office by the outside bathroom. The "T intersection" gate and gates on 22nd Ave and 33rd are now closed - vehicles are not allowed on the closed portions of roads. Remember, we do not monitor ice conditions on the lake.

Roche-A-Cri State Park - The campground and main gate are now closed for the season. Parking is available at the winter lot on Czech Ave and that pit toilet is still open. Volunteers will be keeping the winter lot restroom open, plowing the parking lot, and ski grooming.

Last Revised: Thursday January 20 2011