1- polishing of rough surfaces little bit by little bit, and a kratex polishing after getting all the rough parts evened out (all reciprocating pieces that I could get to, bolt face/chamber face especially as that area loaded up with gunk quick, not now that it's slick).
2- trigger job was easy and done right the first time, but following it up with kratex made a huge difference in the "feel" (not the weight, just slicker, even dry and dirty it still feels a bit better than with a 600 grit polishing).
3- the trigger guard was cracked when I bought it, it eventually split. I gently broke it off, cleaned it out, drilled out a couple spots for reinforcement pins, inserted pins coated in jb kwik, dremeled recesses into the sides and reinforced that with jb and pins too. now the trigger guard is two colors and ugly, it's also tougher and overbuilt enough it'll not break again.
4- jb kwik'd the scope mounts to keep the scope from walking itself and the mounts back on the frame.
5- cut the warped front end of the stock down to the "crook" and opened it up to REALLY float that barrel (no dollar bill slot, this thing still moves a bit season to season so it's 1/16th of an inch open). polished the stock, recontoured the cheekpad, restained it a deeper reddish-brown.
6- installed a sling and swivels.
it's really sad that I had to do all of that to this gun, but it was/is accurate, and the action is sound. if I could do it again I'd probably want a mag fed version but the weapon is good for what it is. ps- I dropped one squirrel with a shot through the back of the neck and head today that left it's tongue handing out it's used-to-be throat (25 feet?, tiny gray squirrel on the move up a tree because I spooked him, I was standing freehand on the trail), and another got one above the left eye and out the right low ribs (medium red female motionless from 30yds, I was standing and leaning back on a tree to steady myself). could a benchrest gun do better in the field... I doubt it. I can't really call it a "knock-around" gun though, after all I've had to do to it, I freak when I get it dirty now

I guess a bit of hand polishing and jb kwik are cheaper than just paying for a $400 gun though (the replacement parts, if needed, are really cheap too).