I see a couple of posts have addressed the issue of funding shortages, I'm glad I'm not the only one that's broke!
Seriously though, if you want to save some money (and who doesn't) you should consider used gear. Everything I own is used wuith the exception of my .380 ACP dies. I've yet to hear of reloading gear ever wearing out.
As far as reloading pistol cartridges, the .357 is a joy to reload. Components are plentiful and there's a wealth of information available for it. It's also a very forgiving cartridge to load for.
sS far as equipment goes, Dinny put together a very complete list. The only thing I disagree with is the dial caliper, I prefer a digital. But a dial will certainly do the job. Carbide dies area MUST. They save time, aren't messy, and eliminate the possibility of case lube fouling your powder.
You may want to get a tumbler, it's not required. A tumbler will clean and polish your cases making for a better looking cartridge along with elimintaing the possibility of scratched cases from dirt comtamination. A clean cartridge is also easier to inspect for cracks. But tumblers and their media is a topic for another post, as opinions vary widely and most are valid.