Author Topic: Model Six WHAT A RIFLE!!!  (Read 803 times)

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Offline Muddly

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Model Six WHAT A RIFLE!!!
« on: February 11, 2011, 07:41:10 PM »
Sold my 700CDL 243 ( sorry Swampman)and got a decent price. While prowling my favorite gunshop I spotted a Model Six( 30-06) in virtually new condition( no blueing wear anywhere).She spoke to me...Some kind soul put a Jap Tasco 2x7 ( optically excellent) in Redfield Jr mounts.At $480 I thought she was a steal! I bought a box of Federal 150's and hit the range. My first " get aquainted" group was 2 11/16 for 3 at 100. Humpf says I, the 243 was doing that...I needed 6 inches left correction and dialed in 24 clicks.The scope responded precisely and the next group was 3 inches high and dead centered.It was also 11/16ths center to center! The next 3 went into 1/2 inch and nicely overlapped .I put my hand on the sandbag for the 2nd group to see if I got a different point of impact.Nope! now 2 groups do not a trend make , but my goodness this is an ACCURATE rifle! She has an XA barrel code( Dec 1980)but has the number 99 stamped behind the code(any idea what that means?)and a serial # A401442x so she is a first month and year production. I read a bunch about the 760/7600 series but found little on the Model Six.Guess when you only make alittle over 36k of them there isn't much to say. At least with this one , when Remington said " bolt gun accuracy" they weren't lying! The trigger is typical, but no bother to me, FFE was 100% as expected and the headspace and chamber are TIGHT. No bulges, just nice smooth sided fired cases with flush primers.She eats her empties so I will try neck sizing first. I have to say this is a very fine rifle.I was worried about recoil.Ever since I was injured in a car accident, recoil and I are NOT friends! But this rifle is VERY pleasent to shoot. Cant wait to get alittle blood on her...
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Model Six WHAT A RIFLE!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 11:49:31 PM »
never was a fan of rems pumps and semi autos. That been said theres probably more of them in 06 then all the other rifles combined up here in deer season. Most wear tasco scopes too ;) I will say one thing. Most will do 2 inchs with good handloads and ive seen a couple rare examples that would cut that in half. I still chuckle. One day about 15 years ago a buddy of mine called me and told me i had to come over and shoot a gun he was working on. I thought it would be something real special as he has lots of nice guns. When i got there he had some guys 06 rem semi auto on the bench. the stock was cracked and was duck taped and there was as much rust as bluing on the gun. it had a beat up looking tasco 3x9 on it that the guy was wanting replaced with a brand new tasco ::) right from walmart. Buddy showed me some groups he shot with corelocks and all three groups were well under an inch. I shot one myself that went just under 3/4s of an inch at a 100 yards. the area he lived in was an area that was very rural and lots of violating was done and the family that had this rifle was notorious for doing it. Told the buddy that id sure like to know how many pounds of venison that gun had put in the freeze during its lifetime.
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Re: Model Six WHAT A RIFLE!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2011, 12:21:06 AM »
I have never been a fan of the autos, but REMINGTON Pumps ARE a favorite!!!  From the Lil 22 to the old 14 and 141's to the newer 760 , 7600 and your model 6 even the 870's!!  I have a couple ( ::) ) and all are good to very good shooters!!

One old 760 in 35 Rem is a tack driver. That one is my wife's. I found a old beat up stock set on EBay, refinished it and chopped it to a shot LOP for her small frame and she shoots it pretty good. Another newer 760 in 6MM is also a great shooter!! My good friend down in Florida has that one. He would borrow it every deer season up here. Then moved to FL , got married started a family and had even less $$  ::) I made it a gift to him about 7 years ago. He has kept his freezer filled with the little swamp deer they grow down there.

I had a 35 Whelen for a while. I shouldn't have sold that one... I took it to VT hunting one year and didn't return home with it. One of the guys has been looking high and lo for one to no avail. He made me a fair offer and now owns it.

I had one 308 that was wonderfully accurate AFTER its first shot... Never did figure it out either! The first shot would hit 2-3" out of the group, then settle in to just over an inch at 100.

Enjoy you M6 it sounds like a good one!!

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Offline Muddly

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Re: Model Six WHAT A RIFLE!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 06:08:21 AM »
OK , sensing a trend here! Went to the range with my first reloads. A 170 round nose Core Lokt over 42 gr IMR 4064 in neck sized Federal cases CCI primers OAL 3.190.Didnt chrono it yet.Point of impact is just about the same as Federal 150 full powers,which is very nice...Fired 3 , 3 round groups and all were under an inch! 15/16th, 3/4 and 3/8 to be exact. The first 2 groups were somewhat vertically strung and given the lowish load density of this charge I suspect a minor ignition issue. I really had no idea of what to expect from a pump gun and would not have believed it if someone told me they could group like this. I'm frankly stunned. I picked this load from Hornady's data meant for the M1 rifle, to be used asa lighter practice load and for a modest deer round.I'm guessing velocity in the 2400 fps range. I would've been happy with 2 inch groups from a pump and/or reduced loads, but this Model Six is turning out to be one of the most accurate rifles I've erver shot. Feed , fire and ejection were perfect with the neck sized cases. Another thing is copper fouling is conspicious by its near absence! Core Lokts have been heavy foulers in every rifle I've shot them in and this one barely gets the lands coated.
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Offline wink_man

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Re: Model Six WHAT A RIFLE!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 02:09:44 PM »
I read a bunch about the 760/7600 series but found little on the Model Six.Guess when you only make alittle over 36k of them there isn't much to say. At least with this one , when Remington said " bolt gun accuracy" they weren't lying!

You don't tend to see much written about the Model 6, as Remington simply considered it an upgraded version of the 7600. Here's a link from Remingtons archives about the Model 6, enjoy:

I really had no idea of what to expect from a pump gun and would not have believed it if someone told me they could group like this. I'm frankly stunned. I picked this load from Hornady's data meant for the M1 rifle, to be used asa lighter practice load and for a modest deer round.I'm guessing velocity in the 2400 fps range. I would've been happy with 2 inch groups from a pump and/or reduced loads, but this Model Six is turning out to be one of the most accurate rifles I've erver shot.

Yeah, I feel the same way about my 760. The bolt guys tend to get a little testy when you announce that a pump rifle can me more accurate than a lot of bolt guns, LMAO.
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