I don't want J Swagert as president. Nor do I want to live in a theocracy. I am a christian and believe it is my right under the Living God to worship as I see fit without anyone else telling me how.
What I do want is a responsible government to stay out of my personal life. A government that tells people what church they can attend is not an American government and I would be willing to bet my next paycheck 99% of the GBO memebers do not want a theocracy either.
I find it strange how it is ok to bash a christian but not any other group. Swagart confessed his sin to his congregation and to his God. He asked for forgiveness. I suppose he cannot recieve forgiveness for being a mortal man. Anyone who has done no wrong in thier life please step forward and tell us mortals how to do things right.
I personally do not want to attend his church, however I would be willing to bet he has done more good for his fellow man than most who would condem him.
Nice thread hijack by the way. Swaggart is old news and actually I am suprised he is brought up anymore.