or is the manager at my local branch just a retard?
I went to my local FedEx depot to ship an 1884 Trapdoor to a fellow. He'd sent me a C&R FFL but I didn't brin it since this was an antique. The clerk told me I can't send I a firearm to an individual. I pointed out that it was an antique and such rules did not require a license but no go so I requested to talk to a manager. He was worse. He said that any functional firearm or one that could be made functional can only be shipped to a dealer. Age did not matter. It did not matter how old. I asked if this applied to muzzle loaders and he said yes. (I think he was winging it here.) I asked him about C&R FFL's and he said they are not entitled to receive a firearm of any sort.
I wasn't d going to win this so I went to UPS and shipped it and asked them about their rules and they are what I thought. Antiques are exempt and more modern go to licensee, dealer or C&R.
Has FedEx changed its rules or are they vague enough that an a**hole clerk can pull stuff like this? This is a depot in Englewood, CO. I'm going to look at their online stuff and see if I can find a place to complain. If gun shipping rules get tightened it certainly helps the anti's.