Author Topic: I just got a Winchester 94 30-30 any tips on the 94?  (Read 1288 times)

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Offline sckaterbrain

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I just got a Winchester 94 30-30 any tips on the 94?
« on: February 19, 2011, 01:29:48 AM »
 I was at a pawn shop looking at a H&R 30-30 they had, asking how low would the owner go on price and he not much on the H&R. He said he had something I might like. He opened a dusty box that had a Winchester 94AE 30-30 in it. He said 30-30's are his favorite and he would sell the 94 cheep. The person that pawned never came back for it and it was in the back for over 3 years. For $180 after tax and I am a happy camper. I am still going to get a H&R but a little later.
 Any Tips or tricks for the Model 94AE?
RIP Robert. Lost his battle with May 6th 2012.

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H&R Classic Carbine 45colt,Nef Pardner 12ga mod, Nef Pardner 410bore full, S&W 10-6 38 special

Offline Dee

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Re: I just got a Winchester 94 30-30 any tips on the 94?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2011, 01:49:52 AM »
What a dog you are for tellin us that story. >:( Either that pawn guy is so dumb he can't find his way home, or you looked so pitiful he felt sorry for you, or the gun will blow up the first time you shoot it.
sckaterbrain, I have been shootin the same Winchester 3030 for 53 years. I have tried all the bullet weights, but settled many years ago on the 150 grain round nose at 2400 fps. I don't have to re-zero which I would if I switched back and forth. and the Remington bullet described will kill anything the 3030 will kill. Which is everything on the North American continent. You lucky dog.
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Offline 243dave

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Re: I just got a Winchester 94 30-30 any tips on the 94?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2011, 04:47:39 AM »
Look into a good peep sight of some sort, It'll help tighten groups a good bit.  If your eyes are real bad you can put a scope on it.  Don't go gettin a scope meant for a long range rifle, try out a small low powered scope.  I got a 1.5x4.5 power on my 94 and it has extended my hunting range by double and gave me more hunting time right at dark over factory irons.  If I remember right Dee does very well with his 30-30 at long range and a peep, he and some others might fill you in on a good peep to check out.  Sights make a big difference and is a good investment.    Dave

Offline sckaterbrain

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Re: I just got a Winchester 94 30-30 any tips on the 94?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2011, 07:06:59 AM »
Well Shop owner said he had very little in the gun and it did not blow up this morning. I shot it in the back yard and got a some in a milk jug at 25-30 yards. A peep sight sounds like a good idea. I like the straight stock, the action is tight and smooth, and I like my guns with iron sights. It looks like it was made in 1983 or 4 is that good or bad?
RIP Robert. Lost his battle with May 6th 2012.

"Just because you can, don't mean you should."
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H&R Classic Carbine 45colt,Nef Pardner 12ga mod, Nef Pardner 410bore full, S&W 10-6 38 special

Offline Dee

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Re: I just got a Winchester 94 30-30 any tips on the 94?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2011, 02:21:37 PM »
sckaterbrain, it ain't a pre-64, but few are. After a disasterous few years following 1964, they got better. Some things such as unneeded safties and such were added, but they are good rifles. The fact is, you got if for a song, and in wooded areas it just don't get much better. It will kill anything in Canada, and is easy totin too.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett